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Mapping the occupational geography of England and Wales c.1817-1881

Mapping the occupational geography of England and Wales c.1817-1881

We are now able to map male occupational structures for England and Wales by mid-nineteenth century registration districts at the following dates: c.1817, 1851, 1861 and 1881. The links below give access to some examples of such maps. All these maps have been produced as part of The Changing Occupational Structure of Nineteenth Britain project funded by the ESRC (RES-000-23-1579). In the near future we will add maps of female occupational structure for 1851, 1861 and 1881. It is not possible to obtain female data for c.1817.

The 1851 and 1861 data derive from the published census reports. The c.1817 data derive from the occupations recorded in c. 11,400 Anglican baptism registers between 1813 and 1820. The 1881 data ultimately from the Census Enumerators’ Books from 1881.

Primary Sector maps

1.1 Percentage of adult males employed in the primary sector c.1817-1881

1.2 Percentage of adult males employed in agriculture c.1817-1881 [not currently available]

1.3 Percentage of adult males employed in fishing c.1817-1881

1.4 Percentage of adult males employed in mining c.1817-1881

Secondary Sector maps

2.1 Percentage of adult males employed in the secondary sector c.1817-1881

2.2 Percentage of adult males employed in textiles c.1817-1881

2.3 Percentage of adult males employed in the clothing industry c.1817-1881

2.4 Percentage of adult males employed in footwear c.1817-1881

Tertiary Sector maps

3.1 Percentage of adult males employed in the tertiary sector c.1817-1881

3.2 Percentage of adult males employed in transport c.1817-1881