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PowerPoint slides for school teachers and university lecturers

PowerPoint slides for school teachers and university lecturers

This part of the website makes PowerPoint slides available to school teachers and university lecturers for use in teaching.

You are very welcome to download and use these PowerPoint slides for teaching purposes. If you wish to use them for any other purpose please contact our administrator Dr Leslie Glasssmith ( in the first instance. At present only a limited number of slides are available but we hope to expand the range and number substantially over time if there appears to be a demand.

It would help us to gauge the value of this service, and perhaps to obtain funding to expand it, if we knew who was using the slides available and for what. If you do download any slides for teaching purposes it would therefore be very helpful if you could e-mail Dr Glasssmith ( giving your name, institution and a brief indication of what you are using the slides for. It would be especially helpful if you could indicate areas where you would be keen for us to expand what we are offering.

PowerPoint slides available at present

NB: These slides are in PowerPoint 2007 format.
You will require the PowerPoint 2007 viewer if you have an older version.

The primary sector

The secondary sector

The tertiary sector
