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walking « Top of the Campops: 60 things you didn't know about family, marriage, work, and death since the middle ages

Top of the Campops: 60 things you didn't know about family, marriage, work, and death since the middle ages

Posts Tagged ‘walking’

Sorry, you’ll have to walk!

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Alan Rosevear

Imagine! No bike, no car, no bus, no train; a walk to work and a wet trudge to the shops. Our social support miles away; how to keep in touch? Can granny look after the sick kids? How far do we dare move from home? 

The personal diaries of men and women from the mid-1600s to the early 1800s show how people in England and Wales resolved these dilemmas. What emerges from the analysis of 300,000 miles of journeys is a story of evolutionary change in travel, facilitated by technological improvement.  


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