Data and GIS from website
The full dataset behind the PopulationsPast website is available at the UK Data Archive: doi:10.5255/UKDA-SN-853547
A GIS of the Registration Sub-Districts of England and Wales, 1851-1911, has been deposited in the UK Data Archive and will hopefully be available for download soon.
Crowd-sourced digital historic parish boundary project
We are creating a crowd-sourced Geographical Information System (GIS) historic boundary dataset and gazetteer for non-commercial use. Find out how to get involved in creating the data.
Occupational structure datasets
Various datasets generated by the Occupations project are available. These include occupational structure and population size, and spatial GIS datasets of administrative unit boundaries and transport infrastructure.
Aggregative demographic extractions from 404 English parishes
Monthly and annual counts of baptisms, burials and marriages taken from Anglican parish registers. This dataset formed the empirical base of Wrigley and Schofield's The Population of History of England 1541-1871 (Cambridge, 1981) and is described therein.
Parish locations and coverage dates
This dataset is now available from the UK Data Archive
Family reconstitutions of 26 English parishes
Reconstructions of all Anglican families (meaning parents and children) who were resident in a sample of English parishes and whose baptism, marriage and/or burial records can be traced there. This dataset formed the empirical base for Wrigley, Davies, Oeppen and Schofield's English Population History from Family Reconstitution (Cambridge, 1997) and is described therein.
Parish locations and coverage dates
This dataset is now available from the UK Data Archive
Early modern London
Various datasets from the Demography of Early Modern London research projects are available through SAS-Space. See:
- Life in the Suburbs: health, domesticity and status in early modern London
- People in Place: Families, Households and Housing in Early Modern London
Other datasets
The Cambridge Group holds many other demographic, economic and political datasets relating primarily to Britain between the medieval period and the early 20th century.