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The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

Department of Geography and Faculty of History


Death, disease, environment and social status: new approaches to mortality in England 1380-1911

Death, disease, environment and social status: new approaches to mortality in England 1380-1911

A Wellcome Trust-sponsored workshop held at HPSS

Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
Room 101 Sir William Hardy Building
Department of Geography
Downing Place

May 22nd, 2009

10.30 am to 4.30 pm


All papers will be 20 minutes maximum, to allow time for discussion. Abstracts will be posted here shortly.

10.30-11.00pm Coffee
11-1am Introduction: Jeremy Boulton
Rebecca Oakes 'Mortality at Winchester and New Colleges c. 1380-1520: A comparison with the Benedictine monks of Canterbury, Westminster and Durham’
Stuart Basten ‘Mapping fatal diseases in eighteenth-century London’
Alice Reid ‘Mortality and social status in Victorian Scotland’.
1-1.45pm Lunch
1.45-3.45 pm Gill Newton and Richard Smith 'Status and environment as determinants of infant mortality change in London c. 1650-1750
Romola Davenport, ‘Infant and young adult mortality in London’s West End’ 1750-1824
Jeremy Boulton, ‘Social status and disease: diagnosis and cause of death information in Georgian London’
3.45 pm Closing remarks: Tony Wrigley