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The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

Department of Geography and Faculty of History


What's in a name? Names and historical population studies

What's in a name? Names and historical population studies

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BSPS Day Meeting

13th December 2010 - Geography Department, Cambridge

10.30am: Registration and tea/coffee

11am: Welcome and introduction to ‘names and personal identity’ session

11.05am: Peter Kitson - Nonconformity, record linkage, and industrialisation: birth registration practices in Sedgley (Staffordshire), c.1780-1837

11.40am: Gill Newton - Using names to distinguish between individuals in early modern urban populations

12.15pm: Eilidh Garrett & Chris Galley - Same-name siblings and British historical demography

1pm: Lunch break (lunch not provided)*

2pm: Introduction to ‘names and geo-social identity’ session

2.05pm: Malcolm Smith - Sectarian association with forenames and surnames in Belfast at the 1901 census

2.40pm: Paul Longley, Pablo Mateos & James Cheshire - The geo-genealogy of British family names

3.15pm: Mark Jobling & Turi King - Surnames, Y chromosomes and British population history

4pm: Close

This day meeting is free and open to all. Please pre-register for the meeting by emailing Alice Reid.

*As there is nowhere reasonably near to buy lunch, we will arrange to buy sandwiches from M&S at participants’ own expense (please choose and pay at registration). Participants are also welcome to bring their own lunch with them.

Please note that the venue is the Geography Department, Cambridge – for travel information see