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Recent publications

Recent publications

See also: Working papers

Publications 2024 (January to July)

Journal articles

  • Boothman, L. On the accuracy of a late 16th century parish register. Suffolk Roots. 2024; 60(1), 51-8.
  • Ingholt, M.M. Epidemihåndtering i en brydningstid - mælkeepidemier i Danmark, 1881-1914. TEMP – Tidsskrift for Historie. 2024; 14(28), 94-109.
  • Ingholt, M.M., Simonsen, L., Mamelund, S.E., Noahsen, P., and van Wijhe, M. The 1919-21 influenza pandemic in Greenland. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2024; 83(1).
  • Kienast-von Einem, C., Panter, J., Ogilvie, D., and Reid, A. Exploring residential relocation–differences between newcomers and settled residents in health, travel behaviour and neighbourhood perceptions. Health & Place. 2024;  87, 103254.
  • Litvine, A. D., Starzec, A., Younis, R., Faula, Y., Coustaty, M., Shaw-Taylor, L., and Églin, V. Built-up areas of nineteenth-century Britain. An integrated methodology for extracting high-resolution urban footprints from historical maps. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. 2024; 57(1), 1–19.
  • Lust, K., and Jaadla, H. Vestiges of famine: Long-term mortality impacts of early-life exposure to the 1840s famine in Estonia. Economics & Human Biology. 2024; 54, 101400.
  • Pedersen, R.K., Ingholt, M.M., van Wijhe, M., Andreasen, V., and Simonsen, L. Identifying signature features of epidemic diseases from 19th century all-cause mortality data. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2024; kwae187, 1-9.
  • Marphatia, A., Busert-Sebela, L., Manandhar, D. S., Reid, A., Cortina-Borja, M., Saville, N., Dahal, M., Puri, M., and Wells, J. C. K. Generational trends in the transition to womanhood in lowland rural Nepal: Changes in the meaning of early marriage. American Journal of Human Biology. 2024. e24088.
  • Nosrati, E., Kelly, M. P., and Szreter, S. Infant mortality and social causality: Lessons from the history of Britain's public health movement, c. 1834-1914. British Journal of Sociology. 2024.
  • Reid, A., Kabagenyi, A., Ojiambo Wandera, S., Beinomugisha, J., and Walters, S. Age reporting by and for older people in Uganda: relationships with frailty, human capital and population registration. Journal of Global Ageing. 2024; 1(1): 27–51.
  • Rosevear, A., Bogart, D., Shaw-Taylor, L. Governments, trusts and the making of better roads in early nineteenth century England and Wales. European Review of Economic History. 2024. 28(3), pp. 399–423.
  • Szreter, S. The history of inequality: the deep-acting ideological and institutional influences. Oxford Open Economics. 2024.

Book reviews

Publications 2023

Journal articles

  • Aidt, T., Davenport, R.J., and Grey, F. New perspectives on the contribution of sanitary investments to mortality decline in English cities, 1845-1909. Economic History Review. 2023; 76(2), 624-660.
  • Briggs, C. Current trends and future directions in the rural history of later medieval England (c. 1200-c. 1500). Rural History. 2023; early view
  • Briggs, C., and Jervis, B. Living standards of the small trader class in fifteenth-century Canterbury: evidence of escheators' records. Archaeologia Cantiana. 2023; 144, 58-72.
  • Briggs, C. 'Women, legal status and market participation in late medieval England: some thoughts on recent research', Cuadernos Medievales. 2023; 35, 228-48.
  • Broad, J. A Farmer's Dilemmas: John Carrington and the Food Crisis of 1800-01. Hertfordshire Past and Present. 2023; 41.
  • Cooper, H., and Szreter, S. Covid-19 and a state in crisis: what can the UK learn from its own history? Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 2023; 16(1), 239-244.
  • Doherty, S.P., Henderson, S., et al. Tracking the British agricultural revolution through the isotopic analysis of dated parchment. Scientific Reports. 2023; 13(1), 61.
  • Gortfelder, M., and Jaadla, H. Determinants of Fertility During the Fertility Transition in Estonia: A Spatial Analysis. Spatial Demography. 2023; 11.
  • Henderson, S. The organization and output of the "controlled English leather economy", 1711–1830*. Historical research: the bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. 2023; 96(273), 372–385.
  • Ingholt, M.M. An ordinary malaria? Intermittent fever in Denmark, 1826-1886. Medical History. 2023; 67(1), 57-73. doi: 10.1017/mdh.2023.13
  • Ingholt M.M. The last hunger years? The 1826-1832 mortality crisis in Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of History. 2023; 48(4), 1-23.
  • Kienast‐von Einem, C., Panter, J., and Reid, A. A longitudinal area classification of migration in Great Britain: Testing the application of Group‐Based Multi‐Trajectory Modelling. Population, Space and Place. 2023; e2694.
  • Lust, K., Klesment, M., and Jaadla, H. Social inequalities in famine mortality in the manorial system of the tsarist Russian province of Livland in the mid‐1840s. The Economic History Review. 2023; 76(4), 1-24.
  • Marphatia, A. A., Busert-Sebela, L. K., Gram, L., Cortina-Borja, M, Reid, A. M., Manandhar, D. S., Wells, J. C. K., and Saville, N. M. Maternal mental health and economic autonomy in lowland rural Nepal: Do parents-in-law provide constraint or support? Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health. 2023; 11(1), 229–243.
  • Reid, A., Garrett, E., Jaadla, H., Schürer, K., and Rafferty, S. Fatal places? Contextual effects on infant and child mortality in early twentieth century England and Wales. Social Science History. 2023; 47
  • Sugden, K., Keibek, S., Wells, J., and Shaw-Taylor, L. Adam Smith revisited: the relationship between the English woollen manufacture and the availability of coal before the use of steam power. Continuity and Change. 2023; 38(2), 163-91.
  • Wakelam, A. Jewish Credit, Debt, and Economic Integration in Eighteenth-Century London. The London Journal. 2023; 12, 1-22.

Chapters in books

  • Brown, S. E. No Explanation Needed: Gendered Narratives of Violent Crime. In S. Banwel, L. Black, D. K. Cecil, Y. K. Djamba, S. R. Kimuna, E. Milne, L. Seal, and E. Y. Tenkorang (eds.), The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women's Acts of Violence. Emerald Publishing Limited; 2023.
  • Cockerill, A.P. Empathy as a high-performance competency. In S. Ventura (ed.), Empathy: advanced research and applications. IntechOpen; 2023.
  • Erickson, A.L., and Schmidt, A. Migration. In C. MacLeod, A. Shepard, and M. Ågren (eds.), The Whole Economy: Work and Gender in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press; 2023.
  • Mansell, C. Objecting to Youth: Popular Attitudes to Service as a Form of Social and Economic Control in England, 1564-1641. In J. Whittle and T. Lambrecht (eds.), Service and The Labour Laws in Europe, c.1400-1900. Boydell; 2023.
  • Zahedieh, N. Trade, Plunder and Irishmen in Early English Jamaica. In Finola O'Kane Crimmons and Ciaran O'Neill (eds.)., Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Manchester University Press; 2023.


  • Jervis, B., Briggs, C., Forward, A., Gromelski, T., and Tompkins, M. The material culture of English rural households c.1250-1600 (Cardiff University Press, 2023).

Book reviews

  • Broad, J. Review of Malcolm Thick, William Ellis: Eighteenth-century farmer, journalist & entrepreneur (University of Hertfordshire Press, 2022). Agricultural History Review, 2023.
  • Broad, J. Review of Michael Farley, The Kings at Brill: The Early History of a Buckinghamshire Village in the Forest of Bernwood (Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society 2022). The Local Historian, 2023.
  • Broad, J. Review of Simon Townley (ed.), A History of the County of Oxford, vol. 20, The South Oxfordshire Chilterns: Caversham, Goring and Area (Victoria History of the Counties of England series), Boydell and Brewer (Woodbridge, 2022). Oxoniensia, 2023.
  • Broad., J. Review of Susan Flood (ed.), John Carrington, farmer of Bramfield, his diary 1798-1810, vol. 2 1805-10 and John Carrington junior's diary, May 1810 to December 1812, (Hertfordshire Record Publications Volume 33 for 2017/18 published 2022). The Local Historian, 2023.

Publications 2022

Journal articles

  • Adams, C. Thinking the empire poor: plebeian petitions for clemency in Britain and New South Wales. History Australia. 2022; 19(3).
  • Aidt, T., Leon, G. and Satchell, M. The social dynamics of collective action: evidence from the diffusion of the Swing Riots, 1830-31. Journal of Politics. 2022; 84(1).
  • Bennett, R. J. and Hannah, L. British employer census returns in new digital records 1851-81; Consistency, non-response and truncation - what this means for analysis. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. 2022; 55, 61-77.
  • Bennett, R.J., Montebruno, P., van Lieshout, C. and Smith, H. Business entry and exit: Career changes of proprietors in England and Wales 1851-81 using record-linkage. Social Science History. 2022; 46, 255-89.
  • Bennett, R. J., Smith, H., Montebruno, P., and van Lieshout, C. Profitability of small and medium-sized enterprises in Marshall's time: Sector and spatial heterogeneity in the nineteenth century. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 2022; 46, 219-49.
  • Bogart, D., Buxton Dunn, O., Alvarez-Palau, E., and Shaw-Taylor, L. Organizations and efficiency in public services: the case of English lighthouses revisited. Economic Inquiry. 2022; 60(2), 975-994.
  • Bogart, D., You, X., Alvarez-Palau, E., Satchell, M., Shaw-Taylor, L. Railways, divergence, and structural change in 19th century England and Wales. Journal of Urban Economics. 2022; 128, 1-23.
  • Briggs, C. What proportion of an English village's population was involved in credit networks c. 1377? Local Population Studies. 2022; 109, 17-41.
  • Doherty, S.P., and Henderson, S. Production of parchment legal deeds in England, 1690–1830. Historical research: the bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. 2022; 95(270), 575–585.
  • Galley, C and Garrett, E. Identifying twin births in nineteenth-century Ipswich. Local Population Studies Newsletter. 2022; 70.
  • Garrett, E. and Reid, A. What was killing babies in Ipswich between 1872 and 1909? Historical Life Course Studies. 2022; 12.
  • Gortfelder, M. and Jaadla, H. Sündimuse ruumilised mustrid ja selle põhjused Eestis demograafilise ülemineku ajal [Geographical patterns of fertility in Estonia during demographic transition]. Acta Historica Tallinnensia. 2022; 28, 104-135.
  • Hannah, L. and Bennett, R.J. Large-scale Victorian manufacturers: Reconstructing the lost 1881 UK employer census. Economic History Review. 2021; 75(3), 830-56.
  • Litvine, A. D. The Annihilation of Space: A Bad (Historical) Concept. The Historical Journal. 2022; 65(4), 871-900.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Saville, N.S., Manandhar, D.S., Cortina-Borja, M., Reid, A.M. and Wells, J.C.K. Girls start life on an uneven playing field. Evolution Medicine and Public Health. 2022; 10, 339-351.
  • Newton, G. Diagnosing rickets in early modern England: statistical evidence and social response. Social History of Medicine. 2022; 35(2).
  • Saville, N. M., Harris‐Fry, H., Marphatia, A., Reid, A., Cortina‐Borja, M., Manandhar, D. S. and Wells, J. C. Differences in maternal and early child nutritional status by offspring sex in lowland Nepal. American Journal of Human Biology. 2022; 34(3).
  • Schöley, J., Aburto, J.M., Kashnitsky, I., Kniffka, M.S., Zhang, L., Jaadla, H., Dowd, J.B. and Kashyap, R. Bounce backs amid continued losses: Life expectancy changes since COVID19'. Nature Human Behaviour. 2022; 6(12).
  • Szreter, S. How Seriously Should we Take Universal Basic Income? The Political Quarterly. 2022; 93(3), 517-523.
  • Wakelam, A. Assessing female accountability in the long eighteenth century through debt imprisonment. Economic History Review. 2022; 76(2). ​​​​​
  • Wells, J.C.K., Marphatia, A.A., Cortina-Borja, M., Manandhar, D.S., Reid, A.M. and Saville, N.M. Associations of maternal age at marriage and pregnancy with infant undernutrition: Evidence from first‐time mothers in rural lowland Nepal. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2022; 178(4), 557-573.
  • Wells, J.C.K., Marphatia, A.A., Manandhar, D.S., Cortina-Borja, M., Reid, A.M., and Saville, N.S. Associations of age at marriage and first pregnancy with maternal nutritional status in Nepal. Evolution Medicine and Public Health. 2022; 10. p.eoac025-
  • Williams, S. Poverty, gender and old age in the Victorian and Edwardian workhouse. Continuity and Change. 2022; 37, 389-421.
  • Williams, S. The working-age poor and the workhouse, 1851-1911. Local Population Studies. 2022; 109, 42-68S.
  • Zahedieh, N. A copper still and the making of rum in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world. Historical Journal. 2022; 65 (special issue 1).
  • Zahedieh, N. The Rise of King Sugar and enslaved labour in early English Jamaica. Early American Studies. 2022; 20, 576-596.

Chapters in books

  • Briggs, C. Rural households and the market for commodities in the later middle ages. In M. Müller (ed), The Routledge handbook of medieval rural life. Routledge; 2022.
  • Broad, J. The squatter economy of the English countryside - building new landless communities in England c.1600-1900. In Fertig, C. Paping, R. & French, H. (eds), Landless and land-poor rural households in Europe from the 16th to the early 20th centuries. Boydell and Brewer; 2022.
  • Brown, S. E. "Completely innocent or wholly culpable": Judicial outcomes of women tried for homicide in pre-modern England. In I. Masson and N. Booth (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Women's Experiences of Criminal Justice. Routledge; 2022.
  • Franks, R. and Adams, C. Baby farming and betrayal: Foster mothers who murder. In Beyer, C. & Savarese, J. (eds.), Mothers who kill. Demeter Press; 2022.
  • Smith, H., Bennett, R.J. and van Lieshout, C. Industrial districts, entrepreneurship and the economic geography of Great Britain, 1851-1911. In J.F. Wilson, C. Corker and J. Lane (eds.), Industrial clusters: Knowledge, innovation systems and sustainability in the UK. Routledge; 2022.


  • Ferguson, C. (ed.), Chronicle of a Covid year: St Nicolas' Guildford (4word Bristol, 2022).

Book reviews

  • Briggs, C. Review of M. Bailey, After the Black Death: economy, society, and the law in fourteenth-century England. English Historical Review. 2022; 137, 908-9.
  • Erickson, A.L. Review of Carol Gold, Women in business in early modern Copenhagen 1740- 1835 (Copenhagen, 2018). Women's History Today (magazine of the Women's History Network). 2022.

Publications 2021

Journal articles

  • Bennett R. J. Using the online Atlas on entrepreneurship. Journal of One-Name Studies. 2021; 14(1).
  • Bennett, R.J., Smith, H., Montebruno, P., and van Lieshout, C. Changes in Victorian entrepreneurship in England and Wales 1851-1911: Methodology and business population estimates. Business History. 2021; 64, 1211-43.
  • Bogart, D., Dunn, O., Alvarez-Palau, E.J. and Shaw-Taylor, L. Speedier delivery: coastal shipping times and speeds during the Age of Sail. The Economic History Review. 2021; 74(1), 87-114.
  • Cockerill, A.P. The leader effect and behavioral complexity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2021; 51, 1132– 44.
  • Cockerill, A.P., and Satish, U. Real-world implications of high-performance competencies and strategic management simulation technology. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2021; 51, 1145–50.
  • Cockerill, A. P., and Satish, A. Behavioral complexity theory: Seven decades and beyond. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2021; 51, 1151–1155.
  • Daly, M., Obschonka, M., Stuetzer, M., Sutin, A.R., Shaw-Taylor, L., Satchell, M., & Robinson, E. Neuroticism mediates the relationship between industrial history and modern-day regional obesity levels. Journal of Personality. 2021; 89(2), 276-287.
  • Davenport, R. J. Mortality, migration and epidemiological change in English cities, 1600– 1870. International Journal of Paleopathology. 2021; 34, 37–49.
  • Davenport, R. J., Nineteenth-century mortality trends: a reply to Szreter and Mooney. Economic History Review. 2021; 74(4).
  • Doherty, S.P., Henderson, S., et al. 'Scratching the surface: the use of sheepskin parchment to deter textual erasure in early modern legal deeds', Heritage Science. 2021; 9(1).
  • Gortfelder, M., Jaadla, H. and Klesment, M. Socio-economic status and fertility in an urban context at the end of the nineteenth century: a linked records study from Tartu, Estonia. The History of the Family. 2021; 26(1).
  • Jaadla, H. and Lust, K. The effect of parental loss on child survival in nineteenth century rural Estonia. The History of the Family. 2021; 26(2), 1–16.
  • Jaadla, H., Shaw-Taylor, L. and Davenport, R. Height and health in late eighteenth-century England. Population Studies. 2021; 75(3), 1–21.
  • Litvine, A. D. and Dunn, O. Data set for French historical light aids to navigation (F-LAN) covering the period 1775–1929. Data in Brief. 2021; 36, 106980.
  • MacNaughton, P., and Cockerill, A. P. Validity of the strategic management simulations to predict real-world productivity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2021; 51(12), 1156–62.
  • Mansell, C. Beyond the Home: Space and Agency in the Experiences of Female Service in Early Modern England. Gender & History. 2021; 33(1), 24–49.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Saville, N.M., Manandhar, D.S., Amable, G., Cortina-Borja, M., Reid, A.M. and Wells, J.C.K. Coming together: The role of marriage in assorting household educational and geographical capital in rural lowland Nepal. Area. 2021; 54, 213-23.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Saville, N.M., Manandhar, D.S., Cortina-Borja, M., Wells, J.C.K. and Reid, A.M. Quantifying the association of natal household wealth with women's early marriage in Nepal. PeerJ. 2021; 9:e12324.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Wells, J.C.K., Reid, A.M. and Yajnik, C.S. Biosocial life-course factors associated with women's early marriage in rural India: The prospective longitudinal Pune Maternal Nutrition Study. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2021; 177, 147-161.
  • Marphatia, A. A., Saville, N. M., Manandhar, D. S., Cortina‐Borja, M., Reid, A. M. and Wells, J. C. K. Independent associations of women's age at marriage and first pregnancy with their height in rural lowland Nepal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2021; 174(1), 103– 116.
  • Rafferty, S. L. Can Indirect Estimation Methods and the Medical Officer of Health Reports "Correct" Distorted Infant Mortality Rates Reported by the Registrar General? The Case of London, 1896–1911. Local Population Studies. 2021; 106(1), 57–81.
  • Reid, A. Why a long-term perspective is beneficial for demographers. Population Studies. 2021; 75(S1), 57-177.
  • Saville, N.M., Cortina-Borja, M., De Stavola, B.L., Pomeroy, E., Marphatia, A., Reid, A., Manandhar, D.S. and Wells, J.C. Comprehensive analysis of the association of seasonal variability with maternal and neonatal nutrition in lowland Nepal. Public Health Nutrition. 2021; 23, 1-16.
  • Sigle, W., Sear, R. and Reid, A. 75 years of Population Studies: A diamond anniversary special issue. Population Studies. 2021; 75(S1), 1-5.
  • Smith, H., Bennett, R. J., van Lieshout, C. and Montebruno, P. Entrepreneurship in Scotland, 1851–1911. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies. 2021; 41(1), 38–64.
  • Smith, H., Bennett, R.J., van Lieshout, C. and Montebruno, P. Households and entrepreneurship in England and Wales, 1851-1911. The History of the Family. 2021; 26(1).
  • Sotiropoulos, D., Rutterford, J. and van Lieshout, C. The rise of professional asset management: The UK investment trust network before World War I. Business History. 2021; 63(5).
  • Szreter, S., and Mooney, G. Scarlet fever and nineteenth‐century mortality trends: a reply to Romola Davenport. The Economic History Review . 2021; 74(4), 1087-1095.
  • Szreter, S. and Siena, K. The pox in Boswell's London: an estimate of the extent of syphilis infection in the metropolis in the 1770s. The Economic History Review. 2021; 74(2), 372-399.
  • van Lieshout, C., Bennett, R.J. and Smith, H. The British Business Census of Entrepreneurs and firm-size,1851-1881: New data for economic and business historians. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. 2021; 54(3).
  • Wakelam, A., Coverture and the debtors' prison in the long eighteenth Century. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 2021; 44, 343-360.
  • Wells, J. C. K., Marphatia, A. A., Cortina‐Borja, M., Manandhar, D. S., Reid, A. M. and Saville, N. Maternal physical, socioeconomic, and demographic characteristics and childbirth complications in rural lowland Nepal: Applying an evolutionary framework to understand the role of phenotypic plasticity. American Journal of Human Biology. 2021; 33(6).
  • Zahedieh, N. Britain's Atlantic slave economy, the market for knowledge and skills, and early industrialization: a response to Joel Mokyr's 'Holy Land of Industrialism'. Journal of the British Academy. 2021; 9, 283-293.
  • Zahedieh, N. Eric Williams and William Forbes: Copper, colonial markets and commercial capitalism. Economic History Review. 2021; 74(3), 784-808.

Chapters in books

  • Bennett, R. J. Institutional Change in British Chambers of Commerce. In Sack, D. (ed.) Chambers of Commerce in Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan; 2021.
  • Bennett, R. J. The United Kingdom. In Marti-Henneberg, J. (ed.) European Regions, 1870 – 2020: A Geographic and Historical Insight into the Process of European Integration. Springer International Publishing; 2021.
  • Briggs, C. Rural households and the market for commodities in the later middle ages. In M. Müller (ed), The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Rural Life, c. 1100 – 1550. Routledge; 2021.
  • Bettridge, R. and Broad, J. Introduction. In Bettridge, R. (ed) Buckinghamshire justicing notebooks: Sir Roger Hill (1689–1705) and Edmund Waller (1773–1788). Buckinghamshire Record Society; 2021.
  • Broad, J. Boundary settlements and overlapping jurisdictions: marginal communities and Little Londons. In R. W. Hoyle (ed.) People, Placenames and Pennines: Essays in history and landscape in memory of David Hey. University of Hertfordshire Press; 2021.
  • Broad, J. and Ford, R. Quand les fermiers anglais prennent la plume : une littérature diversifiée (1600-1850). In Delleaux, F. & Hermans, M. (eds), La plume et la terre. University of Namur Press; 2021.
  • Davenport, R. J. and Saito, O. Population and human development since 1700. In Broadberry, S. and Fukao, K. (eds.) Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World. Cambridge University Press; 2021.
  • Erickson, A. L. Entries on Celia Fiennes, Eleanor Coade, Anna Letitia Barbauld, the Booth sisters, and Kate Greenaway. In Women from Hackney's History. Hackney Society; 2021.
  • Mansell, C. Defining the boundaries of community? The expulsion of pregnant unmarried women in early modern England. In Pullin, N. and Woods, K. (eds.) Cultures of Exclusion in Early Modern Britain, 1600-1750. Routledge; 2021.
  • Szreter, S. The history and development of public health in developed countries. In Detels, R., et al, (eds.), The Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health (7th edition). Oxford; 2021.


  • Cooper, H., and Szreter, S., After the Virus. Lessons from the Past for a Better Future? Cambridge University Press; 2021.

Book reviews

  • Briggs, C. Review of C. Casson, M. Casson, J.S. Lee and K. Phillips, 'Compassionate Capitalism: Business and Community in Medieval England' and C. Casson, M. Casson, J.S. Lee and K. Phillips, 'Business and Community in Medieval England: The Cambridge Hundred Rolls Source Volume'. Urban History. 2021; 48, 81–182.
  • Brown, S. E. Review: 'Town courts and urban society in late medieval England, 1250–1500' ed. R. Goddard and T. Phipps. The English Historical Review. 2021; 136,
  • Erickson, A.L. Review of 'No straight path: Becoming women historians', ed. Elizabeth Jacoway. Journal of Contemporary History. 2021; 56, 1202-1203.
  • Mansell, C. Review of periodical literature published in 2019. The Economic History Review. 2021; 74(1), 251–294.
  • Mansell, C. Review of Amanda L. Capern, Briony Mcdonagh, and Jennifer Aston (eds), 'Women and the Land, 1500-1900' (Boydell Press, 2019). Agricultural History Review, 2021; 69(1), 150.

Publications 2020

Journal articles

  • Akgün, Ö., Dearle, A., Kirby, G., Garrett, E., Dalton, T., Christen, P., Dibben, C., and Williamson, L. Linking Scottish vital event records using family groups. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. 2020; 53(2).
  • Alter, G., Newton, G., and Oeppen, J. Reintroducing the Cambridge Group Family Reconstitutions. Historical Life Course Studies. 2020; 9, 24-48.
  • Bennett, R. J. The entrepreneurs from the census – The 19th century Atlas. Regions, [e-zine]. 2020; 1(8).
  • Bennett, R.J., Smith, H. and Montebruno, P. The Population of Non-Corporate Business Proprietors in England and Wales 1891-1911. Business History. 2020; 62(8).
  • Bosch, L.S.M.M., Wells, J.C.K., Lum, S. and Reid, A.M. Associations of the objective built environment along the route to school with children's modes of commuting: A multilevel modelling analysis (the SLIC study). PLoS ONE. 2020; 15(4): e0231478.
  • Briggs, C., and Schofield, P.R. The evolution of manor courts in medieval England, c.1250-1350: the evidence of the personal actions. Journal of Legal History. 2020; 41(1), 1-28.
  • Christen, P., Garrett, E., Nowok, B., Reid, A., Williamson, L. and Dibben, C. Estimating Maternal Mortality Rates During The 1918 Flu Using Birth to Death Linkage. International Journal of Population Data Science. 2020; 5(5). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v5i5.1534
  • Davenport, R.J. Urbanisation and mortality in Britain c.1800 – 1850. The Economic History Review. 2020; 73(2): 455-485,
  • Dunn, O. and Alvarez-Palau, E.J. Dataset for historical lighthouses and light aids to navigation (LAN). England and Wales, 1514–1911. Data in Brief. 2020; 31, 105991,
  • Dunn, O. A Sea of Troubles? Journey Times and Coastal Shipping Routes in Seventeenth-Century England and Wales. The Journal of Transport History. 2020; 41(2): 184-207.
  • Endfield, G. and Van Lieshout, C. Water and vertical territory: the volatile and hidden historical geographies of Derbyshire's lead mining soughs 1650s-1830s. Geopolitics. 2020; 25(1).
  • Jaadla, H., Reid, A., Garrett, E., Schürer, K. and Day, J. Revisiting the fertility transition in England and Wales: The role of social class and migration. Demography. 2020; 57(4): 1543-1569.
  • Jaadla, H., Potter, E., Keibek, S. and Davenport, R.J. Infant and child mortality by socioeconomic status in early nineteenth century England. The Economic History Review. 2020; 73: 991-1022.
  • Hess, C. Contract and secular custom in early Republican China: The Shanghai Native Bankers' Guild, 1917-1928. Journal of Modern Chinese History. 2020; 14(2) 255-79.
  • Klesment, M., Jaadla, H. and Gortfelder, M. Educational heterogamy during the early phase of the educational expansion: Results from the university town of Tartu, Estonia in the late 19th century. Demographic Research. 2020; 43(13), 329–64.
  • Maiolo, V. and Reid, A.M. Looking for an explanation for the excessive male mortality in England and Wales since the end of the 19th century. Social Science and Medicine - Population Health. 2020; 11,100584-.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Wells, J.C.K., Reid, A.M., Borja, M.C., Manandhar, D.S., Sen, A., Saville, N., Devakumar, D., Osrin, D., Prost, A. and Dulal, S. The association of maternal nutrition and children's pre-primary experience with over-age attendance in secondary school: evidence from lowland Nepal. International Journal of Educational Research. 2020; 99, 101491-.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Saville, N.M., Amable, G.S., Manandhar, D.S., Cortina-Borja, M., Wells, J.C. and Reid, A.M. How Much Education Is Needed to Delay Women's Age at Marriage and First Pregnancy? Frontiers in Public Health. 2020; 7, 396-.
  • Montebruno, P. Bennett, R.J., Smith, H. and van Lieshout, C. Machine learning classification of entrepreneurs in British historical census data. Information Processing & Management. 2020; 57(3), 102210.
  • Reid, A., Jaadla, H., Garrett, E. and Schürer, K. Adapting the Own Children Method to allow comparison of fertility between populations with different marriage regimes. Population Studies. 2020; 74(2),1-22.
  • Reid, A. The geography of maternal mortality in early twentieth century England and Wales. Annales de Démographie Historique. 2020; 139(1), 111–140.
  • Shaw-Taylor, L. (ed) Epidemics, disease and mortality in economic history. Virtual special issue of The Economic History Review. 2020; 73(3).
  • Shaw-Taylor, L. An introduction to the history of infectious diseases, epidemics and the early phases of long-run decline in mortality. In: Shaw-Taylor, L. (ed) Epidemics, disease and mortality in economic history, virtual special issue of The Economic History Review. 2020; 73(3), E1-E19.
  • Smith, H., Bennett, R. J. and van Lieshout, C. Entrepreneurship in Birmingham and Manchester, 1851-1911: A Tale of Two Cities? Midland History. 2020; 45(3), 357–380.
  • Smith, R. Roger Schofield as Historian and Demographer: an Appreciation. Local Population Studies. 2020; 105(1), 6–30. doi:
  • Szreter, S., Taking Forward Roger's Interest in the Relationship between the Early Modern Family, Demography, Economy and Government Policy. Local Population Studies. 2020; 105(1), 31-36.
  • Travieso, E. United by grass, separated by coal: Uruguay and New Zealand during the First Globalization. Journal of Global History. 2020; 15(2), 269-289.
  • Williams, S. Paupers Behaving Badly: Punishment in the Victorian Workhouse. Journal of British Studies. 2020; 59(4), 764-792.
  • Williams, S. Plague and Poor Relief in Cambridge, 1665-1666. Local Population Studies. 2020; 105(1), 47–55. doi:
  • Wrigley, E.A. The Interplay of Demographic, Economic, and Social History. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 2020; 50(4): 495–515.
  • You, X. Women's labour force participation in nineteenth‐century England and Wales: evidence from the 1881 census enumerators' books. The Economic History Review. 2020; 73(1). doi:10.1111/ehr.12876
  • You, X. Working with Husband? "Occupation's Wife" and Married Women's Employment in the Censuses in England and Wales between 1851 and 1911. Social Science History. 2020; 44(4): 585-613.

Chapters in books

  • Boothman, L. A local elite: a study of office holding in Long Melford, Suffolk. In: Lord, E. and Amor, N. (eds) Shaping the Past: Theme, Time and Place in Local History. University of Hertfordshire Press; 2020 (Studies in Regional and Local History, 18).
  • Brown, S. E. The only consolation is that the criminal is not a Welshman: The foreign-born men hanged in Wales, 1840-1900. In Low, P., Rutherford, H., and Sandford-Couch, C. (eds.) Execution Culture in Nineteenth Century Britain: From Public Spectacle to Hidden Ritual. Routledge; 2020.
  • Davenport, R.J. Cultures of contagion and containment? The geography of smallpox in Britain in the pre-vaccination era. In V. Petit, K. Qureshi, Y. Charbit and P. Kreager (eds.), The anthropological demography of health. Oxford University Press; 2020.
  • Van Lieshout, C., Smith, H. & Bennett, R.J. Female entrepreneurship in England and Wales, 1851-1911. In Aston, J. and Bishop, C. (eds) Female Entrepreneurs in the Long Nineteenth Century: Towards A Global Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan; 2020.
  • Warde, P. Afterword. In Dowling, A. and Keyser, R. (eds) Conservation's roots: managing for sustainability in preindustrial Europe, 1100-1800. Berghahn Books; 2020.

Book reviews

  • Briggs, C. Review of P. Hoppenbrouwers, 'Village community and conflict in late medieval Drenthe'. Speculum. 2020; 95, 834-5.
  • Mansell, C. Review: 'Women of Fortune: Money, Marriage, and Murder in Early Modern England' by Linda Levy Peck (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018). Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2020; 14(2).

Publications 2019

Journal articles

  • Alvarez-Palau, E.J. and Dunn, O. Database of historic ports and coastal sailing routes in England and Wales. Data in Brief. 2019; 25.
  • Bogart, D. & Lefors, M. and Satchell, A.E.M. Canal carriers and creative destruction in English transport. Explorations in Economic History. 2019; 71(C), p. 1-24.
  • Bosch, L.S.M.M., Wells, J.C.K., Lum, S. & Reid, A.M. Associations of extracurricular physical activity patterns and body composition components in a multi-ethnic population of UK children (the Size and Lung Function in Children study): a multilevel modelling analysis. BMC Public Health. 2019; 19(1), p. 573,
  • Briggs, C., Forward, A., Jervis, B. and Tompkins, M. People, possessions and domestic space in the late medieval escheators' records. Journal of Medieval History. 2019; 45:2, 145-161. DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2019.1593624
  • Davenport, R.J. Infant-feeding practices and infant survival by familial wealth in London, 1752–1812. History of the Family. 2019; 24(1), 174-206. doi:10.1080/1081602X.2019.1580601
  • Davenport, R.J., Satchell, M. & Shaw-Taylor, L.M.W. Cholera as a sanitary test of British cities, 1831-66. History of the Family. 2019; Special Issue on Water and Sanitation, 24(2), 404-438, doi:10.1080/1081602X.2018.1525755
  • Marphatia, A.A., Reid, A.M. and Yajnik, C.S. Developmental origins of non-participation in secondary school in rural India: A life course perspective. International Journal of Educational Development. 2019; 66, p.8-23.
  • Miller, I.J., Warde, P. The environmental history of energy transitions. Environmental History. 2019; 24, 464-471.
  • Montebruno, P., Bennett, R.J., van Lieshout, C., Smith, H. and Satchell, M. Shifts in agrarian entrepreneurship in mid-Victorian England and Wales. Agricultural History Review. 2019; 67(1): 71-108.
  • Montebruno, P., Bennett, R.J., van Lieshout, C. and Smith, H. A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the Mid-Victorian era? Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019; 523: 858-875.
  • Nanayakkara, C., Christen,P., Ranbaduge,T. and Garrett, E. Evaluation measure for group-based record linkage. International Journal of Population Data Science. 2019; 4(1).
  • Rosevear, A., Bogart, D. and Shaw-Taylor, L. The Spatial Patterns of Coaching in England and Wales from 1681 to 1836: A Geographic Information Systems Approach. Journal of Transport History. 2019; 40(3): 418-444.
  • Schürer, K. and Day, J. Migration to London and the development of the north–south divide, 1851–1911. Social History. 2019; 44(1): 26-56. DOI: 10.1080/03071022.2019.1545361
  • Smith, H., Bennett, R.J. & van Lieshout, C. Immigrant business proprietors in England and Wales (1851-1911). Continuity and Change. 2019; 34(2), 253-76. doi: 10.1017/S0268416019000171
  • Sugden, R. and Sugden, K. Economic Development of Interior British Columbia: A Case Study of Wages in the Okanagan, 1911-1921. BC Studies. 2019; 201(Spring), 93-124.
  • Szreter, S., The Capacity to Surprise: On the Importance of History for Public Health Policy. American Journal of Public Health. 2019; 110(3), 337-38.
  • Van Lieshout, C., Smith, H., Montebruno, P. and Bennett, R.J. Female Entrepreneurship: Business, Marriage and Motherhood in England and Wales, 1851-1911. Social History. 2019; 44(4): 440-468.
  • Warde, P. Firewood consumption and energy transition: a survey of sources, methods and explanations in Europe and North America. Historia Agraria. 2019; 77, 7-32.
  • Warde, P. The Hornmoldt metabolism: energy, capital and time in an early modern German household. Environmental History. 2019; 24, 472-481.
  • Warde, P. and Lindmark, M. Heat in a Cold Climate: Household Energy Choices in the Scandinavian North, 1890-1970. Journal of Northern Studies. 2019; 13(1), 61-91.
  • Wells, J.C., Cole, T.J., Cortina-Borja, M., Sear, R., Leon, D.A., Marphatia, A.A., Murray, J., Wehrmeister, F.C., Oliveira, P.D., Gonçalves, H., Oliveira, I. Low maternal capital predicts life history trade-offs in daughters: why adverse outcomes cluster in individuals. Frontiers in Public Health. 2019; 7, 206.
  • Wrigley, E.A. and Smith R. Malthus and the Poor Law. The Historical Journal. 2019; 1-30,

Chapters in books

  • Broad, J. Improving English Rural Housing 1890-1945. In Barnwell, P. S. and Palmer, M. (eds) Workers' Homes: Improvement and Technology, 1780-1940. Donington: Shaun Tyas; 2019 (Rewley House Studies in the Historic Environment, 9).
  • Erickson, A.L. Esther Sleepe Burney; Frances Wood Sleepe. In The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2019.
  • Erickson A.L. Afterword. In Capern A., McDonagh B., and Aston, J. (eds) Women and the Land, 1500-1900. Boydell Press; 2019.
  • Field, J.F. Trade. In M.S. Morgan (ed.), Charles Booth's London Poverty Maps. Thames & Hudson, 2019.
  • Szreter, S., and Schurer, K., Revealing the Hidden Affliction: How Much Infertility Was Due to Venereal Disease in England and Wales on the Eve of the Great War?. In Szreter S. (ed.), The Hidden Affliction. STIs and Infertility in History. University of Rochester Press; 2019.
  • Warde, P. History. In Chaplin, J., Reiner, D., Pollitt, M., Warde, P., and Ozawa, M. (eds) In search of good energy and climate policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2019.
  • Warde, P. Energy Regimes in the Fennoscandian North, c.1900-2015. In Ketsikalo, C. (ed) Path dependency studies for climate change. The social science basis to assess climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Arctic. Abingdon: Routledge; 2019.
  • Zucca Micheletto, B. Documents and local networks: monitoring migrants and workers in 18th century Turin. In Greefs, H. and Winter, A. (eds) Migration policies and the materiality of identification in European cities 1500-2000. London-New York: Routledge; 2019.
  • Zucca Micheletto, B. A large "umbrella". Patterns of apprenticeship in eighteenth century Turin. In Prak, M. and Wallis, P. (eds) Apprenticeship in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2019.


  • Bennett, R.J., Smith, H., van Lieshout, C., Montebruno, P. & Newton, G. The Age of Entrepreneurship: Business Proprietors, Self-Employment and Corporations since 1851. Abingdon: Routledge; 2019 (Routledge International Studies in Business History). eBook available at doi:10.4324/9781315160375
  • Chaplin, J., Reiner, D., Pollitt, M., Warde, P., Ozawa, M. (eds) In search of good energy and climate policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2019.
  • Szreter, S. (ed.), The Hidden Affliction. STIs and Infertility in History. University of Rochester Press; 2019.

Working Papers/Other Publications

  • Newton, G. Data Mining Family History Society Burials. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2019; 34. PDF

Book reviews

  • Briggs, C. Review of J. Rose, 'Maintenance in medieval England'. Speculum. 2019; 94, 1219- 1220.
  • Van Lieshout, C. The Draining of the Fens: Projectors, Popular Politics, and State Building in Early Modern England. By Eric H. Ash. Environmental History, 2019; 24:1, 173–175,
  • Van Lieshout, C. J. Clifford, 'West Ham and the River Lea'. H-net reviews. 2019.

Publications 2018

Journal articles

  • Boothman, L. Studying the stayers: kinship and social status in Long Melford, Suffolk 1661-1861. Local Population Studies, 2018; 101, 4-25.
  • The Cambridge Group. PopulationsPast: an Interactive Atlas of Victorian and Edwardian Population. Local Population Studies. 2018; 100, 77-81.
  • Cheshire, P., Hilber, C., Montebruno, P., and Sanchis-Guarner, R. Take me to the centre of your town! Using micro-geographical data to identify town centres. CESifo Economic Studies. 2018; 64(2), 255-291.
  • Davenport, R.J., Satchell, M. and Shaw-Taylor, L.M.W. Cholera as a 'sanitary test' of British cities, 1831–1866. History of the Family (Special Issue on Water and Sanitation). 2018.
  • Davenport, R.J., Satchell, M. and Shaw-Taylor, L.M.W. The geography of smallpox in England before vaccination: a conundrum resolved. Social Science & Medicine. 2018; 206, 75-85. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.04.019
  • Davenport, R. and Smith, R. Migration, Mortality and Medicalisation: investigating the long-run epidemiological consequences of urbanisation 1600-1945. Impact: Connecting Global Research. 2018, Number 3, 60-62.
  • Day J. Leaving home in nineteenth-century England and Wales: A spatial analysis. Demographic Research. 2018; 39(4): 95-135.
  • Enflo, K., Alvarez-Palau, E., & Marti-Henneberg, J. Transportation and regional inequality: the impact of railways in the Nordic countries, 1860–1960. Journal of Historical Geography. 2018; 62, 51-70.
  • Erickson, A.L. Esther Sleepe, fanmaker, and her family. Eighteenth Century Life (Special issue on the Burney Family). 2018; 42(2), 13-36
  • Field, J.F. Economic change in a London suburb: Southwark, c. 1601-1881. The London Journal. 2018; 43(3), 243-266.
  • Garrett, E.M. and Reid, A.M. Composing a national picture from local scenes: new and future insights into the Fertility Transition. Local Population Studies. 2018; 100: 60-76.
  • Gibbs, S. Felony forfeiture at the Manor of Worfield, c.1370-c.1600. Journal of Legal History. 2018; 39(3): 253-277.
  • Henriques ST, Warde P. Fuelling the English breakfast: hidden energy flows in the Anglo-Danish trade 1870–1913. Regional Environmental Change. 2018; 18, 965-977.
  • Nielsen, H., Warde, P., & Kander, A. East versus West: Energy intensity in coal-rich Europe, 1800-2000. Energy Policy. 2018; 122, 75-83.
  • Reid, A.M. and Garrett, E.M. An Atlas of Victorian Fertility Decline - ESRC. Impact: Connecting Global Research. Volume 2018, Number 4, 67-69.
  • Reid, A.M. and Garrett, E.M. Mortality, work and migration. A consideration of age-specific mortality from tuberculosis in Scotland, 1861-1901. Historical Life Course Studies. 2018; 6, Special Issue 1, 111-132.
  • Reid, A.M. and Garrett, E.M. Medical provision and urban-rural differences in maternal mortality in late nineteenth century Scotland. Social Science & Medicine. 2018; 201, 35-43. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.01.028.
  • Schürer, K.S., Garrett, E.M., Jaadla, H.J., and Reid, A.M. Household and family structure in England and Wales, 1851-1911: continuities and changes. Continuity and Change. 2018; 33(3), 365-411.
  • Smith, H., Bennett, R.J. and Radicic, D. Towns in Victorian England and Wales: a new classification. Urban History. 2018; 45(4), 568-594.
  • Smith, R. Some emerging issues in the demography of medieval England and prospects for their future investigation. Local Population Studies. 2018; 100: 13-24.
  • Smith, R. and Satchell, M. Malthus, Poverty and Population Change in Suffolk, 1780-1834. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History. 2018; 44, 256-271.
  • Sugden, K. Clapham revisited: the decline of the Norwich worsted industry (c. 1700–1820). Continuity and Change. 2018; 33(2), 203-224.
  • Theodoridis, D., Warde, P., & Kander, A. Trade and overcoming land constraints in British industrialization – an empirical assessment. Journal of Global History. 2018; 13(3): 328-351.
  • Warde, P. Trees, trade and textiles: potash imports and ecological dependency in British industry, c.1550-1770. Past & Present. 2018; 240, 47-82.
  • Wrigley, E.A. Reconsidering the industrial revolution: England and Wales. Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 2018; XLIX, 9-42.
  • Wrigley, E.A. The general and the particular. Local Population Studies. 2018; 100, 25-32.
  • Stephenson J.Z. 'Real' wages? Contractors, workers and pay in London building trades, 1650-1800. Economic History Review. 2018; 71(1): 106-132.
  • Wakelam A. Benefiting from the "comforts of ease & affluence": The experience of female business retirement in the diary of Sarah Florry. Women's History Review. 2018; 27(5): 707-728.

Chapters in books

  • Briggs C. Mortgages and the English peasantry, c.1250-1350. In Briggs C and Zuijderduijn J. (eds) Land and credit: mortgages in the medieval and early modern European countryside. Palgrave Macmillan; 2018 (Palgrave studies in the history of finance series).
  • Briggs, C., and Zuijderduijn, J. Introduction: mortgages and annuities in historical perspective. In Briggs C, and Zuijderduijn J. (eds) Land and credit: mortgages in the medieval and early modern European countryside. Palgrave Macmillan; 2018 (Palgrave studies in the history of finance series).
  • Endfield, G. and Van Lieshout, C. Contested subterranean waterscapes. Lead mining sough disputes in Derbyshire's Derwent Valley. In Visentin, F. and Vallerani, F. (eds.) Waterways and the Cultural Landscape. London: Routledge; 2018.
  • Erickson, A.L. Ellen McArthur: establishing a presence in the academy. In Smith, H. and Zook, M. (eds) Generations of Women Historians: Within and Beyond the Academy. Palgrave Macmillan; 2018.
  • Gallaher S.A. Grim scars of the Great Hunger: orphaned and abandoned children in the workhouses during the 1850s and 1860s. In C. Kinealy et al. (eds) Children and the Great Hunger in Ireland. Cork: Cork University Press; 2018.
  • Martí-Henneberg, J., & Alvarez-Palau, E.J. Railroads and population distribution: HGIS data and indicators for spatial analysis. In The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge; 2018.
  • Smith R.M. Marriage and fertility in different household systems. In Hopwood N, Flemming R, and Kassell L. (eds) Reproduction: From Antiquity to the Present Day. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2018.
  • Warde, P. Constructing Arctic Energy Resources: the case of the Canadian north, 1921-1980. In Wormbs, N. (ed) Competing Arctic Futures: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge; 2018.
  • Warde, P. Sustainability, resources and the destiny of states in German cameralist thought. In Forrester K, Smith S. (eds) Nature, Action and the Future: Political Thought and the Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2018.
  • Wells, J.C.K. and Marphatia, A.A. An inter-generational perspective on social inequality in health and life opportunities: the maternal capital model. In The Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan; 2018.
  • Wrigley E.A. The preventive check and the poor law: the Malthusian model and its implications. In Stimson, S. (ed) T.R. Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population: the 1803 Edition. Yale University Press; 2018. (Rethinking the western tradition series).
  • Zucca Micheletto, B. Micro-mobilité au quotidien: pluriactivité, métiers et appartenances sociales dans l'Italie moderne (Turin XVIIIe-XIXe siècles). In Caracausi, A., Rolla, N., and Schnyder, M. (eds), Travail et mobilité en Europe XVe-XIXe siècles. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion; 2018.


  • Bellavitis, A., Zucca Micheletto, B. (eds) Gender, law and economic wellbeing in early modern and modern Europe. North vs. South? London: Routledge; 2018.
  • Briggs, C., Zuijderduijn, J. (eds), Land and credit: Mortgages in the medieval and early modern European countryside. Palgrave Macmillan; 2018 (Palgrave studies in the history of finance series).
  • Warde, P., Robin, L., & Sörlin, S. The Environment: a history of the idea. Johns Hopkins University Press; 2018.
  • Warde, P. The Invention of Sustainability: Nature and Destiny, c. 1500-1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2018.
  • Williams, S. Unmarried motherhood in the Metropolis, 1700-1850: pregnancy, the poor law and provision. Palgrave Macmillan; 2018.

Working Papers/Other Publications

  • Sugden, K., Keibek S.J., and Shaw-Taylor, L. Adam Smith revisited: coal and the location of the woollen manufacture in England before mechanization, c. 1500-1820. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2018; 33. PDF

Book reviews

  • Newton, G. Matthew Davies, Catherine Ferguson, Vanessa Harding, Elizabeth Parkinson and Andrew Wareham (eds) 'London and Middlesex Hearth Tax'. Continuity and Change, 2018; 33(2), p.285-287.
  • Reid, A.M. Peter Kirby, 'Child workers and industrial health in Britain, 1780-1850'. Continuity and Change, 2018; 33(1): 147-149.
  • Satchell, M. Nicholas Amor, 'From Wool to Cloth: The Triumph of the Suffolk Clothier'. Continuity and Change, 2018; 33(2), p. 289-291.
  • Van Lieshout, C. The History of the London Water Industry, 1580-1820. By Leslie Tomory. The London Journal, 2018; 43:3, 317-318, DOI: 10.1080/03058034.2018.1527103

Publications 2017

Journal articles

  • Field J.F. Clandestine weddings at the Fleet Prison, c. 1710-1750: who married there? Continuity and Change. 2017; 32(3): 1-29.
  • Gallaher S.A. Children and families in the workhouse populations of the Antrim, Ballymena, and Ballymoney Poor Law Unions in the mid-nineteenth century. Local Population Studies. 2017; 99, 81-92.
  • Jaadla, H. and Reid, A.M. The geography of early childhood mortality in England and Wales, 1881–1911. Demographic Research. 2017; 37, 1861-1890. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2017.37.58
  • Jaadla H, Puur A, Rahu K. Socio-economic and cultural differentials in mortality in a late-nineteenth-century urban setting: a linked records study from Tartu, Estonia, 1897–1900. Demographic Research. 2017; 36(1): 1-40. 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.1
  • Kander A, Warde P, Henriques S, Nielsen H, & Kulionis V. Who did the dirty work? International trade and energy intensity during European industrialization, 1870-1935. Ecological Economics. 2017; 139: 33-44.
  • Marphatia, A.A., Amable, G. and Reid, A.M. Women's marriage age matters for public health: a review of the broader health and social implications in South Asia. Frontiers in Public Health. 2017; 5: 269. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00269.
  • Obschonka, M., Stuetzer, M., Rentfrow, P.J., Shaw-Taylor, L., Satchell, M., Silbereisen, R.K., Potter, J., & Gosling, S.D. In the shadow of coal: How large-scale industries contributed to present-day regional differences in personality and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2017; 115(5), 903-927
  • Radicic, D., Bennett, R.J. and Newton, G.H. Portfolio entrepreneurship in farming: empirical evidence from the 1881 census for England and Wales. Journal of Rural Studies. 2017; 55: 289-302.
  • Reid A. Infant feeding and child health and survival in Derbyshire in the early twentieth century. Women's Studies International Forum. 2017; 60: 111-119. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2016.10.011.
  • Rutterford J, Sotiropoulis D, van Lieshout C. Individual investors and local bias in the UK: 1870-1935. Economic History Review. 2017; 70(4): 1291–1320. 10.1111/ehr.12482
  • Stanev, K., Alvarez-Palau, E.J., & Martí-Henneberg, J. Railway Development and the Economic and Political Integration of the Balkans, c. 1850–2000. Europe-Asia Studies, 2017; 69(10), 1601-1625.
  • Sugden K. An Occupational Study to Track the Rise of Adult Male Mule Spinning in Lancashire and Cheshire, 1777-1813. Textile History. 2017; 48(2): 160-175. doi:
  • Sugden R, Sugden K. Economic Development of the BC Interior: A Case Study of Occupations in the Okanagan, 1881-1921. BC Studies. 2017; 194 (summer): 65-89.
  • Travieso, E. Railroads and Regional Economies in Uruguay, c. 1910. Revista Uruguaya de Historia Económica. 2017; 7(12): 30-57.
  • van Lieshout C. "The most valuable means of extinguishing the destroying fires": fire-fighting and the London water companies in the long eighteenth century. London Journal. 2017; 42(1): 53-69.
  • Warde, P., Robin, L., & Sörlin, S. Stratigraphy for the Renaissance: questions of expertise for "the environment" and "the Anthropocene". Anthropocene Review. 2017; 4(3), 246-258,
  • Wrigley, E.A. A new look at the industrial revolution. The Ahmed Lecture. The Letter (Corpus Christi College). 2017; 96, 24-32.

Chapters in books

  • Smith, R.M. Contrasting susceptibilities to famine in early fourteenth century and late sixteenth-century England: the significance of late medieval social structural and governmental changes. In Braddick M. J., and Withington P. (eds) Popular Culture and Political Agency in Early Modern England and Ireland Essays in Honour of John Walter. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer; 2017.
  • Warde, P. Social and environmental history in the Anthropocene. In Arnold J. H., Hilton M, and Rüger J. (eds) History Matters. History after Hobsbawm. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2017.
  • Warde, P. Cameralist writing in the mirror of practice: the long development of forestry in Germany. In Seppel, M. and Tribe, K. (eds.) Cameralism in practice: The principles of early modern state administration. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer; 2017.


  • Field, J.F. London, Londoners and the Great Fire of 1666: Disaster and Recovery. Abingdon: Routledge; 2017.

Working Papers/Other Publications

  • Keibek S. Using probate data to determine historical male occupational structures. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2017; 26. PDF
  • Keibek S. Allocating labourers to occupational (sub-)sectors using regression techniques. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2017; 27. PDF
  • Keibek S. Correcting the probate inventory record for wealth bias, Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2017; 28. PDF
  • Keibek S. By-employments in early modern England and their significance for estimating historical male occupational structures, Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2017; 29. PDF

Book reviews

  • Reid, A.M. M. Reynolds, 'Infant Mortality and Working-Class Child Care, 1850-1899'. Journal of Social History. 2017 doi:10.1093/jsh/shw146
  • Reid, A.M. Can everybody on the planet all live well? Review of 'Our Shrinking Planet' (Massimo Livi-Bacci). New Scientist. 2017, p.3153.

Publications 2016

Journal articles

  • Bennett RJ. Interpreting business partnerships in late Victorian Britain. Economic History Review. 2016; 69(4): 1199-1227. doi:10.1111/ehr.12327
  • Davenport RJ. Urban family reconstitution – a worked example. Local Population Studies. 2016; 96: 28-49.
  • Davenport RJ, Boulton J, Schwarz L. Urban inoculation and the decline of smallpox in eighteenth century cities – a reply to Razzell. Economic History Review. 2016; 69(1): 188-214.
  • Jaadla H & Puur A. The impact of water supply and sanitation on infant mortality: Individual-level evidence from Tartu, Estonia, 1897–1900. Population Studies. 2016; 70(2): 163–179.
  • Kabagenyi A, Jennings L, Reid A, Nalwadda G, Ntozi J, Atuyambe L. Barriers to male involvement in contraceptive uptake and reproductive health services: a qualitative study of men and women's perceptions in two rural districts in Uganda. Reproductive Health. 2014; 11(1): 21.
  • Marphatia A, Cole T, Grijalva-Eternod C and Wells J. Associations of gender inequality with child malnutrition and mortality across 96 countries. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics. 2016; 1(e6): 1-8.
  • Marphatia AA, Devakumar D, Wells JCK, Saville N, Reid A, Costello A, Manandhar DS and Osrin D. Maternal phenotype, independent of family economic capital, predicts educational attainment in lowland Nepalese children. American Journal of Human Biology. 2016; 28(5): 687-698. doi:10.1002/ajhb.22852
  • Stuetzer M, Obschonka M, Audretsch DB, Wyrwich M, Rentfrow PJ, Coombes M, Shaw-Taylor L, Satchell M. Industry structure, entrepreneurship, and culture: An empirical analysis using historical coalfields. European Economic Review. 2016; 86: 52-72. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.08.012
  • Sugden K. The Location of the Textile Industry in England and Wales, 1813-1820. Textile History. 2016; 47(2): 208-226.
  • van Lieshout C. Droughts and dragons: Geography, rainfall, and eighteenth-century London's water systems. Technology & Culture. 2016; 57(4): 780-805. doi:10.1353/tech.2016.0107
  • Williams S. The maintenance of bastard children in London, 1790–1834. Economic History Review. 2016; 69(3): 945–971. doi:10.1111/ehr.12279

Chapters in books

  • Broad J. English Agrarian Structures in a European Context, 1300-1925. In Bowen J and Brown A. Custom and Commercialization. University of Hertfordshire; 2016.
  • Broad J. Joan Thirsk and agricultural regions: a fifty year perspective. In Dyer CC. et al (eds) Farmers, consumers and innovators: the world of Joan Thirsk. University of Hertfordshire; 2016.
  • Reid A, Garrett E, and Szreter S. Residential mobility and child mortality in early twentieth century Belfast. In Ramiro-Farinas D, and Oris M. (eds) New approaches to death in cities during the health transition. New York: Springer; 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-43002-7_4
  • Reid A, Garrett E, Williamson L and Dibben C. A century of deaths, Scotland 1855-1955; a view from the civil registers. In Buckham S, Jupp P and Rugg J (eds.) Death in modern Scotland, 1855-1955: beliefs, attitudes and practices. Peter Lang; 2016.
  • Reid A, Garrett E, Dibben C. and Williamson L. Gender specific mortality trends over the epidemiological transition: a view from the British mainland 1850-2000. In Dinges M. and Weigl A. (eds) The drifting apart of gender-specific life expectancy in Central and Northwestern Europe 1850/1900-2000/2010. A comparison. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart: Beihefte zu MedGG; 2016.
  • Reid A. Where are all the feminist historical demographers? In Matthijs K, Hin S, Matsuo H and Kok J. The future of historical demography. Upside down and inside out. Leuven/Den Haag: Acco Publishers; 2016.
  • Warde P. The Environment. In Coates P, Moon D, and Warde P. (eds) Local Places, Global Processes. Oxford: Windgather Press; 2016.


  • Coates P, Moon D, Warde P. (eds) Local Places, Global Processes. Oxford: Windgather Press; 2016.
  • Wrigley EA. The path to sustained growth: England's transition from an organic economy to an industrial revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2016.

Book reviews

Publications 2015

Journal articles

  • Bennett RJ and Newton G. Identifying employers in the population census in England and Wales in 1881. Local Population Studies. 2015; Autumn; 95(1): 29-49.
  • Boothman L. Studying the stayers: the stable population of Long Melford, Suffolk, over two hundred years. Local Population Studies. 2015; Autumn; 95.
  • Boulton J, Davenport RJ. Few deaths before baptism: clerical policy, private baptism and the registration of births in Georgian Westminster: a paradox resolved. Local Population Studies. 2015; 94(1): 28-47
  • Broad J. Making sense of Detached Kitchens: the implications of documentary evidence from seventeenth century Wiltshire. Vernacular Architecture. 2015; 46: 1-7.
  • Jervis B, Briggs C, Tompkins M. Exploring text and objects: escheators' inventories and material culture in medieval English rural households. Medieval Archaeology. 2015; 59: 168-92.
  • Gentvilaite R, Kander A, and Warde P. The Role of Energy Quality in Shaping Long-Term Energy Intensity in Europe. Energies. 2015; 8(1), 133-153. doi:10.3390/en8010133
  • Kabagenyi A, Reid A, Rutaremwa G, Atuyambe LM and Ntozi JPM. Has Uganda experienced any stalled fertility transitions? Reflecting on the last four decades (1973-2011). Fertil Res Pract. 2015; 1: 1-10. doi:10.1186/s40738-015-0006-1
  • Reid A, Galley C. Maternal mortality. Local Population Studies. 2015; 93: 68-78. URI:
  • Reid A, Garrett E, Dibben C, and Williamson L. 'A confession of ignorance': deaths from old age and deciphering cause-of-death statistics in Scotland, 1855–1949. The History of the Family. 2015; 20: 320-344. doi:10.1080/1081602X.2014.1001768
  • Reid A, van den Boomen N. The faces of death: regional differentiation in cause-specific mortality in the past. The History of the Family. 2015; 20: 309-319.
  • Warde P. Global crisis or global coincidence? Past and Present. 2015; 228(1): 287-301. doi: 10.1093/pastj/gtv028

Chapters in books

  • Briggs C. Peasants, Lords, and Commerce: Market Regulation at Balsham, Cambridgeshire, in the Early Fourteenth Century. In Kowaleski M, Langdon J, and Schofield P. (eds), Peasants and lords in the medieval English economy: essays in honour of Bruce M.S. Campbell. Brepols; 2015.
  • Garrett E, Reid A. Introducing 'movers' into community reconstructions: linking civil registers of vital events to local and national census data: a Scottish experiment. In Bloothooft G, Christen P, Mandemakers K, and Schraagen M (eds) Population Reconstruction. Springer; 2015.
  • Kirby G, Carson J, Dunlop F, Dibben C, Dearle A, Williamson L, Garrett E, and Reid A. Automatic Methods for Coding Historical Occupation Descriptions to Standard Classifications. In Bloothooft G, Christen P, Mandemakers K, and Schraagen M (eds) Population Reconstruction. Springer; 2015.
  • Smith RM. Dearth and Local Political Responses in England: 1280-1325 and 1580-1596-7 compared. In Langdon J, Kowaleski M and Schofield P. (eds.) Peasants and Lords in the Medieval Economy: essays in honour of Bruce M.S. Campbell. Brussels: Brepols; 2015.
  • Smith RM. People living alone. In Frampton P and Faul MV (eds) Ageing: Policy challenges briefing. Cambridge: CSaP; 2015.
  • Warde P. Early modern "resource crisis": the wood shortage debates in Europe. In Brown AT, Burn A, and Doherty R. (eds) Crisis in economic and social history. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer; 2015.
  • Warde P, Sörlin S. Expertise for the Future: the Emergence of "Relevant Knowledge" in Environmental Predictions and Global Change, c.1920-1970. In Andersson J, and Rindzeviciute E. (eds) The Struggle for the Long Term in Transnational Science and Politics during the Cold War. Abingdon: Routledge; 2015.
  • Warde P. History, science and environment policy. In Pinto PR, and Taithe B. (eds) The Impact of History? Histories at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Abingdon: Routledge; 2015.

Publications 2014

Journal articles

  • Briggs C, Schofield P. Understanding Edwardian villagers' use of law: some manor court litigation evidence. Reading Medieval Studies. 2014; XL (2014; Special issue: Law's dominion: medieval studies for Paul Hyams): 117-39.
  • Erickson AL. Mistresses and marriage: or, a short history of the Mrs. History Workshop Journal. 2014 Autumn; 78(1): 39-57.doi:10.1093/hwj/dbt002.
  • McGeevor S. How well did the 19th century census record women's 'regular' employment in England and Wales? A case study of Hertfordshire in 1851. The History of the Family. 2014; 19(4): 489-512. doi: 10.1080/1081602X.2014.968181.
  • Newton G. Clandestine marriage in early modern London: when, where and why? Continuity and Change. 2014; 29(2): 151-180.
  • Wrigley EA. Urban growth in early modern England: food, fuel, and transport. Past and Present. 2014; 225(1): 79-112.doi:10.1093/pastj/gtu032.

Chapters in books

  • Briggs C. English serfdom, c.1200-c.1350: towards an institutionalist analysis. In Cavaciocchi S. (ed), Schiavitù e servaggio nell'economia europea, secc. XI-XVII. Florence University Press; 2014.
  • Briggs C. Money and Rural Credit in the Later Middle Ages Revisited. In Allen M, Coffman D. (eds) Money, Prices and Wages: Essays in Honour of Professor Nicholas Mayhew. Palgrave Macmillan; 2014.
  • Broad J. The parish and the poor in England since 1600. In Broad J, and Schuurman A. (eds) Wealth and Poverty in European Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century. Brepols; 2014.
  • Shaw-Taylor L, Wrigley EA. Occupational Structure and Population Change. In Floud R, Humphries J, and Johnson P. (eds,) The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume I, 1700-1870. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2014.
  • Smith RM. Foreword to Emile Amt (ed) The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey. Vol. 52 Records of Social and Economic History. Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2014.
  • Smith RM. Foreword to Ian Levitt (ed) Treasury Control and Public Expenditure in Scotland 1885-1979. Vol. 54 Records of Social and Economic History. Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2014.
  • Williams S. "They lived together as man and wife": Plebeian cohabitation, illegitimacy, and broken relationships in London, 1700-1840. In Probert R. (ed) Cohabitation and non-marital births in England and Wales, 1600-2012. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 2014.
  • Williams S. Support for the Elderly during the 'Crisis' of the English Old Poor Law. In Briggs C, Kitson P, and Thompson S. (eds) Population, welfare and economic change in Britain, 1290-1834. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press; 2014.
  • Wrigley EA. European marriage patterns and their implications: John Hajnal's essay and historical demography during the last half-century. In Briggs C, Kitson P, and Thompson S. (eds) Population, welfare and economic change in Britain, 1290-1834. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press; 2014.


  • Broad J, Schuurman A. (eds) Wealth and Poverty in European Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century. Brepols; 2014.
  • Briggs C, Kitson P, Thompson S. (eds) Population, welfare and economic change in Britain, 1290-1834. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press; 2014.

Working Papers/Other Publications 2014 - 2016

  • Bennett R.J, Newton G. Identifying employers in the population census in England and Wales in 1881. Leverhulme Trust Project, Working Paper. 2014.
  • Davenport R.J. The first stage of the epidemiological transition in British cities: a comparison of infant mortality in Manchester and London, 1750 – 1820. Working Paper. PDF
  • Jestl S, Alvarez-Palau E, Holzner M, & Martí J. Introducing Railway Time in the Balkans. Economic effects of railway construction in Southeast Europe and beyond since early 19th century until present days. Working Papers, No. 121. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Wiiw. 40p.
  • Stephenson J.Z. The pay of labourers and unskilled men on London building sites 1660 - 1770. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History. 2016; 24. PDF
  • Stephenson J.Z. Real contracts and mistaken wages: The organisation of work and pay in London building trades, 1650 -1800. LSE Economic History Working Papers. No. 231. (*)

Publications 2011-2013

Journal articles

  • Basten S. Traffic in corpses: further evidence from late-Georgian north-east England. Local Population Studies. 2012 Spring; 88.
  • Briggs C. "Can't pay" and "won't pay" in the medieval village. Common Knowledge. 2011; 17(2): 363-70. (Contribution to interdisciplinary symposium on Margaret Attwood's Payback).
  • Davenport RJ. Year of birth effects in the historical decline of tuberculosis mortality: a reconsideration. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(12): e81797. doi:
  • Davenport RJ, Schwarz L, Boulton J. The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London. Economic History Review. 2011; 64: 1289-1314.
  • Erickson AL. Eleanor Mosley and other milliners in the City of London companies 1700-1750. History Workshop Journal. 2011; 71: 147-72.
  • Field J. Domestic service, gender, and wages in rural England, c. 1700-1860. Economic History Review. 2013; 66: 249–272.
  • Field J. Charitable giving and its distribution to Londoners after the Great Fire, 1666-1676. Urban History. 2011; 38: 3-23.
  • Galley C, Garrett E, Davies R, Reid A. Living same-name siblings and English historical demography: a final comment. Local Population Studies. 2012 Spring; 88.
  • Galley C, Garrett E, Davies R, Reid A. Living same-name siblings and British historical demography: a reply to Peter Razzell. Local Population Studies. 2011 Autumn; 87: 70-77.
  • Galley C, Garrett E, Davies R, Reid A. Living same-name siblings and British historical demography. Local Population Studies. 2011 Spring; 86: 15-36.
  • Garrett E, Reid A, Szreter S. Fertility and child mortality in a household setting: comparative perspectives from UK censuses, 1861-1921. Popolazione e Storia. 2012; 2010(2): 59-82.
  • Keibek SAJ, Shaw-Taylor L. Early modern rural by-employments: a re-examination of the probate inventory evidence. Agricultural History Review. 2013; 61(2): 244-281.
  • Newton G, Smith RM. Convergence or divergence? Mortality in London, its suburbs and its hinterland between 1550 and 1700. Annales de Démographie Historique. 2013; 2: 17-49.
  • Newton G. Recent developments in making family reconstitutions. Local Population Studies. 2011 Autumn; 87: 84-89.
  • Newton G. Infant mortality variations, feeding practices and social status in London between 1550 and 1750. Social History of Medicine. 2011; 24(2): 260-80.
  • Oakes R. Adolescent mortality at Winchester College, 1393-1540: new evidence for medieval mortality and methodological considerations for historical demography. Local Population Studies. 2012 Spring; 88.
  • Reid A, Garrett E. Doctors and the causes of neonatal death in nineteenth century Scotland. Annales de Demographie Historique. 2012; 2012(1): 149-179.
  • Reid A. Mrs Killer and Dr Crook: birth attendants and birth outcomes in early twentieth-century Derbyshire. Medical History. 2012 Oct; 56(4): 511-30.
  • Reid A. Birth attendants and midwifery practice in early twentieth century Derbyshire. Social History of Medicine. 2012; 25(2): 380-399.
  • Shaw-Taylor L. The rise of agrarian capitalism and the decline of family farming in England. Economic History Review. 2012; 65: 26–60.
  • Smith R.M. Records of Social and Economic History—an anniversary. British Academy Review. 2012; 19: 29-32.
  • Thompson S.J. The first income tax, political arithmetic, and the measurement of economic growth. Economic History Review. 2013; 66(3): 873-894.
  • Van Lottum J, Marks D. The determinants of internal migration in a developing country: quantitative evidence for Indonesia, 1930–2000. Applied Economics. 2012; 44(34): 4485-4494.
  • Van Lottum J. Some considerations about the link between economic development and migration. Journal of Global History. 2011; 6(2): 339-344.
  • Van Lottum J. Labour migration and economic performance: London and the Randstad, c. 1600-1800. Economic History Review. 2011; 64(2): 531-570.
  • Van Lottum J, Poulsen B. Estimating numeracy and literacy levels in the maritime labour market of the North Atlantic of the late eighteenth century. Scandinavian Economic History Review. 2011; 59(1): 65-80.
  • Warde P, Kander A. Energy availability from livestock and agricultural productivity in Europe c.1815-1913: a new comparison. Economic History Review. 2011; 64(1): 1-29.
  • Williams S. Unmarried mothers and the new poor law in Hertfordshire. Local Population Studies. Autumn 2013; 91: 27-43.
  • Wrigley EA. Energy and the English industrial revolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 2013; 371: 2011.0568.
  • Wrigley EA. The region as a unit of study; history and geography in harmony. In Fauve-Chamoux A. (ed) Pierre Goubert (1915-2012). Beyond 'the Beauvaisis'. Romanian Journal of Population Studies. 2013; VII(1): 107-120.

Chapters in books

  • Boulton J, Davenport R, Schwarz L. "These ANTE-CHAMBERS OF THE GRAVE"? Mortality, medicine, and the workhouse in Georgian London, 1725-1824. In Reinarz J, and Schwarz L. (eds) Medicine and the Workhouse. University of Rochester Press; 2013.
  • Boulton J, Black J. Paupers and their experience of a Georgian workhouse: St. Martin in the Fields, Westminster, 1725-1824. In Hamlett J, Hoskins L, and Preston R. (eds) Residential Institutions in Britain, 1725-1950: Inmates and Environments. Pickering & Chato; 2013.
  • Broad J. Farmers and Improvement. In Hoyle R. W. (ed) The Farmer in England, 1650-1980. Ashgate; 2013.
  • Broad J. Permanence and Impermanence in Housing Provision for the Eighteenth-Century Rural Poor in England. In Shammas C. (ed) Investing in the Early Modern Built Environment: Europeans, Asians, Settlers and Indigenous Societies. Brill; 2012.
  • Broad J. La dynamique du pouvoir dans les villages anglais du XIXe siècle: logement et protection sociale. Chapter 6. In Jessenne P. (ed) Clochemerle ou république villageoise? La conduite municipale des affaires villageoises en Europe XVIIIe-XXe siècle. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion; 2012.
  • Casson M, Shaw-Taylor L, Satchell AE, Wrigley EA. Railways and local population growth: Northamptonshire and Rutland, 1801-91. In Casson M, and Hashimzade N. (eds) Large Databases in Economic History: Research Methods and Case Studies. Routledge; 2013.
  • Smith RM. Foreword to L.M. Cullen et al (eds) The Bordeaux-Dublin Letters, 1757: Correspondence of an Irish Community Abroad. Vol. 53 Records of Economic and Social History. Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2013.
  • Smith RM. Measuring adult mortality in an age of plague. In Bailey M, and Rigby S. (eds) Town and Countryside in the Age of the Black Death. Brussels: Brepols; 2012.
  • Smith RM, Poos LR, Oeppen J. Re-assessing Josiah Russell's measurements of late medieval mortality using Inquisitions Post Mortem. In Hicks M. (ed) The Fifteenth-Century Inquisitions Post Mortem: A Companion. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer; 2012.
  • Smith RM. Social security as a developmental institution? The relative efficacy of poor relief provisions under the English Old Poor Law. In Bayly CA, Rao V, Szreter S, and Woolcock M. (eds) History, Historians and Development Policy. Manchester University Press; 2011.
  • Thompson SJ. Population combined with wealth and taxation: statistics, representation and the making of the 1832 Reform Act. In Crook T and O'Hara G. (eds) Statistics and the Public Sphere: Numbers and the People in Modern Britain, c. 1800-2000. London: Routledge; 2011.
  • Van Lottum J, Heerma van Voss L, and Lucassen J. Sailors, National and International Labour Markets and National Identity, 1600-1850. In: Unger W. (ed) Shipping and Economic Growth 1350-1850. Leiden: Brill; 2011; p.309-352.
  • Van Rossum M, Heerma van Voss L, van Lottum J, and Lucassen J. National and International Labour Markets for Sailors in European, Atlantic and Asian Waters, 1600-1850. In Fusaro M, and Polonia A. (eds) Maritime History as Global History. Maritime History Publications, Memorial University of Newfoundland; 2010. (Research in Maritime History Vol. 43).
  • Wrigley EA. The west European marriage system in early modern Europe. In: Beekink E, Walhout E. (eds) Liber Amicorum: Frans Poppel: a sort of farewell. The Hague: Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Institut; 2012.
  • Wrigley EA, Satchell AEM. Areal Data. In: Wrigley EA. (ed) The Early English Censuses. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2011.
  • Wrigley EA. Economic history and demography. In: Ammannati F. (ed) Where is economic history going? Methods and prospects from the 13th to the 18th centuries. Firenze: Firenze University Press; 2011; p.473-495. ISBN 978-88-6453-287-7. (Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini" Prato, Atti delle Settimane di Studi e altri Convegni, 42).
  • Wrigley EA. Coping with rapid population growth: how England fared in the century preceding the Great Exhibition. In: Feldman D, Lawrence J. (eds) Structures and transformations in modern British history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011; p.24-53. ISBN 978-0-521-51882-6.


  • Broad J. Bishop Wake's Summary of Visitation Returns from the Diocese of Lincoln 1706-15. Part One: Lincolnshire. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2012.
  • Broad J. Bishop Wake's Summary of Visitation Returns from the Diocese of Lincoln 1706-15. Part Two: Huntingdonshire, Hertfordshire (part), Bedfordshire, Leicestershire, Buckinghamshire. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2012.
  • Dennison T. The Institutional Framework of Russian Serfdom. Cambridge University Press; 2011.
  • Wrigley EA. (ed) The Early English Censuses. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2011.

Working Papers in a Series/Other Publications

  • Briggs C, Koyama M. Pledging and credit markets in medieval England. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic & Social History. 2012 March; 5.
  • Crisp Z. Housing and private outside space in nineteenth century England. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic & Social History. 2012 March; 3.
  • Erickson AL. Mistresses and marriage: or, a short history of the Mrs. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic & Social History. 2012 July; 8.
  • Erickson AL. Marital status and economic activity: interpreting spinsters, wives, and widows in pre-census population listings. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic & Social History. 2012 July; 7.
  • Kitson PM, Shaw-Taylor L, Wrigley EA, Davies RS, Newton G, Satchell AEM. The creation of a 'census' of adult male employment for England and Wales for 1817. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic & Social History. 2012 March, 2013 December; 4.
  • Newton G. Family reconstitution in an urban context: some observations and methods. Cambridge Working Papers in Economic & Social History. 2013 January; 12.
  • Saito O, Sato M. Japan's civil registration systems before and after the Meiji Restoration. Discussion Paper Series A. Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 2011 January; No. 546.
  • Smith RM. The Centennial Issue of the Discussion Papers in Economic and Social History. University of Oxford Discussion Papers in Economic and Social History. 2013 July; 100; p.17-22.
  • Thompson SJ. Redrawing the boundaries of British democracy? Census data and the Great Reform Act, 1832-2011. History & Policy Papers. 2011 March.

Published Conference Papers/Abstracts

  • Haycock IJ. British Agricultural History Society Spring Conference 2012. Agricultural History Review. 2013; 61(1): 184-6.
  • Haycock IJ. Agrarian Change and Early Industrial Development in Staffordshire: the Parish of Kingswinford, 1650 to 1750. Proceedings of The Economic History Society Annual Conference 2013. 2013; 14-21.

Book reviews

  • Hinde A, Healey J, Oakes R. Review of recent periodical literature. Local Population Studies. 2012; 89: 91-127.
  • Hinde A, Healey J, Oakes R. Review of recent periodical literature. Local Population Studies. 2011; 87: 90-120.
  • Oakes RHA. Book Review of M. Hicks (ed), The Fifteenth-Century Inquisitions Post Mortem: A Companion. Local Population Studies. 2013; 90.
  • Oakes RHA. Book Review of C. Butler, The Book of Fines: the annual accounts of the mayors of Southampton volume III 1572-1594. Local Population Studies. 2011; 86: 108-110.
  • Oakes RHA. Book Review of J. Mullan and R. Britnell, Land and Family: trends and local variations in the peasant land market on the Winchester Bishopric estates 1263-1415. Southern History. 2011; 33: 143-44.
  • Reid A. Book Review of The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition and Human Development in the Western World since 1700. Population Studies. 2012; 66(3): 351-353. doi:10.1080/00324728.2012.719719.
  • Reid A. Book Review of R. Woods, Death before Birth: Fetal Health and Mortality in Historical Perspective. Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 2011; 41: 621-623.

Publications 2008-2010

Journal articles

  • Basten S. The Impact of the 1783 and 1785 Stamp Duty Acts on Scottish Vital Registration. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies. 2010; 30: 64-74.
  • Briggs C. The availability of credit in the English countryside, 1400-1480. Agricultural History Review. 2008; 56(1): 1-24.
  • Briggs C. Seigniorial control of villagers' litigation beyond the manor in later medieval England. Historical Research. 2008; 81: 399-422.
  • Erickson AL. What shall we do about the servants? History Workshop Journal. 2009; 67(1): 277-286.
  • Erickson AL. Married women's work in eighteenth-century London. Continuity & Change. 2008; 23(2): 267-307.
  • Field J. Apprenticeship Migration to London from the North-East of England in the Seventeenth Century. London Journal. 2010; 35(1): 1-21.
  • Goose N, Basten S. Almshouse Residency in Nineteenth Century England: An Interim Report. Family & Community History. 2009; 12(1): 65-76.
  • Harm K, Van Lottum J. Immigrants in the polder. Rural-rural long distance migration in North-western Europe: the case of Watergraafsmeer. Rural History. 2009; 20: 99-117.
  • Healey J. Poverty in an industrializing town: deserving hardship in Bolton, 1674-99. Social History. 2010; 35(2): 125-47.
  • Healey J. The development of poor relief in Lancashire, c. 1598-1680. The Historical Journal. 2010; 53(3): 551-72.
  • Kitson PM. Religious change and the timing of baptism in England, 1538-1750. The Historical Journal. 2009; 52(2): 269-294.
  • Küpker M. Migration im vorindustriellen Westfalen: Das Beispiel von Hausierhandel, Hollandgang und Überseeauswanderung in Tecklenburg, 1750-1850. In: Schubert M. (ed) Migration und Gesellschaft seit dem 18. Jahrhundert – am Beispiel Westfalens. Westfälische Forschungen. 2009; 59: 45-78.
  • Maegraith J. Nun Apothecaries and the Impact of the Secularisation in Southwest Germany. Continuity and Change. 2010; 25(2): 313-344.
  • Marfany, J. Is it still helpful to talk about proto-industrialisation? Some suggestions from a Catalan case study. Economic History Review. 2010; 63(4): 942-973.
  • Saito O. An industrious revolution in an East Asian market economy? The case of Tokugawa Japan and implications for the Great Divergence. Australian Economic History Review. 2010; 50(3): 40-261.
  • Smith RM. Linking the local and the general in population history: prioritising migration. Local Population Studies. 2008; 81: 9-11.
  • Smith RM. Introduction: Richard Smith pays tribute to Peter Laslett. Revista de Demographica Historica. 2008; XXIV: 29-34.
  • Sumnall C. Micro-geographies of illegitimacy and social change in the Gurk valley, 1870 to 1960. In: Fauve-Chamoux A, Bolovan I. (eds) Families in Europe between the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Centuries. Romanian Journal of Population Studies. 2009; III (Supplement).
  • Sumnall C. There's no such thing as sin in the Alps. Some reflections on the historical demography of illegitimacy in Carinthia after 1868. Transylvanian Review. 2009; XVIII (Supplement 1): 195.
  • Szoltysek M. Life cycle service and family systems in the rural countryside: a lesson from historical east-central Europe. Annales de Démographie Historique. 2009; 117(1): 53-94.
  • Szoltysek M. Three kinds of preindustrial household formation system in historical Eastern Europe: a challenge to spatial patterns of the European family. The History of the Family. 2008; 13(3): 223-257.
  • Szoltysek M. Rethinking Eastern Europe: household formation patterns in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and European family systems. Continuity and Change. 2008; 23: 389-427.
  • Thompson SJ. Parliamentary enclosure, property, population, and the decline of classical republicanism in eighteenth-century Britain. Historical Journal. 2008; 51: 621-42. doi:10.1017/S0018246X08006948
  • Van Lottum J. Migration to the Netherlands in the first half of the 19th century: an assessment. Annales de Démographie Historique. 2009; 117(2): 193-208.
  • Wrigley EA. Rickman revisited: the population growth rates of English counties in the early modern period. Economic History Review. 2009; 62: 711-35.

Chapters in books

  • Briggs C. Monitoring demesne managers through the manor court before and after the Black Death. In: Goddard R, Langdon J, Müller M. (eds) Survival and Discord in Medieval Society: Essays in Honour of Christopher Dyer. Brepols; 2010; p.179-195. (The Medieval Countryside 4).
  • Briggs C. Credit and the freehold land market in England, c.1200-c.1350: possibilities and problems for research. In: Lambrecht T, Schofield PR. (eds) Credit and the rural economy in north-western Europe, c. 1200-1850. Brepols; 2009; p.109-28. (Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area 12).
  • Broad J. The parish and homes for the rural poor 1700-1850. In: Sharpe P, McEwan J. (eds) Accommodating Poverty. Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.
  • Broad J. Understanding village desertion in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In: Dyer CC, Jones RV (eds) The Deserted Medieval Village Revisited. University of Hertfordshire Press; 2010.
  • Broad J. Introduction. In: Broad J. (ed) A Common Agricultural Inheritance? Revising French and British rural divergence. British Agricultural History Society; 2009. (Agricultural History Review Supplement Series).
  • Shaw-Taylor L. Dictionary entries 'Agricultural Revolution', p.19-20, and 'Enclosure', p.191-2. In: Gregory D, Johnston R, Pratt G, Watts M, Whatmore S. (eds) The Dictionary of Human Geography. 5th ed. Wiley-Blackwell; 2009.
  • Shaw-Taylor L. Dictionary entry 'Common rights and common land'. In: Durlauf S, Blume L. (eds) The new Palgrave dictionary of Economics. 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan; 2008.
  • Sumnall C. The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Bastards! Illegitimacy and its social reception in the Gurk Valley, Austria, c.1880 to 1940. In: Arrizabalaga M-P, Bolovan I, Eppel M, Kok J, Nagata M-L. (eds) Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History: A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux. Amsterdam: Askant; 2010.
  • Szoltysek M. Heterogeneity or homogeneity? Peasant households in historical Poland and Silesia at the end of 18th century. In: Kuklo C, Guzowski P. (eds) Rodzina i gospodarstwo domowe na ziemiach polskich w XV-XIX wieku. Struktury demograficzne, społeczne i gospodarcze [Family and household on the Polish territories 15th-19th centuries] (with D. Biskup). Warszawa; 2008; p.363-390.
  • Van Lottum J. La migration de travail en Europe du Nord-Ouest. In: Beaurepaire P-Y, Pourchasse P. (eds) Les circulations internationales en Europe (1680-1780). Rennes; 2010; p.19-35.
  • Van Lottum J. Entries 'Human movement, 600-1300', ' Human movement 1300-1400' and 'Human movement, 1400-1600'. In: Wawro G. (ed) Historical Atlas. A Comprehensive History of the World. Elanora: Millennium House; 2008.


  • Briggs C. Credit and village society in fourteenth-century England. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy; 2009. (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs Series).
  • Broad J. (ed) A Common Agricultural Inheritance? Revising French and British Rural Divergence. British Agricultural History Society; 2009. (Agricultural History Review Supplement Series).
  • Harding V, Baker P, Davies M, Merry M, Newton G, Myhill O, Smith R. People in Place: Families, Households and Housing in Early Modern London. Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research; 2008.
  • Küpker M. Weber, Hausierer, Hollandgänger. Demografischer und wirtschaftlicher Wandel im ländlichen Raum: Das Tecklenburger Land 1750-1870. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag Gmbh; 2008. (Studien zur historischen Sozialwissenschaft 32).
  • Martin E, Satchell M. 'Wheare most Inclosures be' East Anglian Fields: History, Morphology and Management. Suffolk County Council; 2008. (East Anglian Archaeology Report Volume 124).
  • Wrigley EA. Energy and the English industrial revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-76693-7.
  • Warde P. Ecology, Economy and State Formation in Early Modern Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010. (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time No. 41).

Working Papers in a Series/Other Publications

  • Saito O, Settsu T. Unveiling Historical Occupational Structures and its Implications for Sectoral Labour Productivity Analysis in Japan's Economic Growth. Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper. Research Unit for Statistical and Empirical Analysis in Social Sciences (Hi-Stat), Hitotsubashi University; 2010; 143.
  • Smith RM. Social Security as a Developmental Institution? Extending the Solar Case for the Relative Efficacy of Poor Relief Provisions under the English Old Poor Law. Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper. BWPI, University of Manchester; 2008; 56.

Published Conference Papers/Abstracts

  • Briggs C. Manorial court roll inventories as evidence for English peasant possessions and living standards. In: Furió A, Garcia-Oliver F. (eds) Pautas de consumo y niveles de vida en el mundo rural medieval. Univ. of Valencia Press; 2008. (Proceedings of Congress 18-20 September 2008, Universitat de València).

Book reviews

  • Erickson AL. Women's work in the eighteenth century. Reviews in History. 2008; No. 708a. URL:
  • Reid A. Review of Small and Special: the Hospital for Sick Children at Great Ormond Street Historic Patient Admissions Database. Reviews in History. 2009; No. 817. URL:
  • Reid A. Book Review of G. Rice, Black November: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New Zealand. English Historical Review. 2008; CXXIII: 788-789.