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GIS boundary data

GIS boundary data

All the map of population and occupational structure on this website use specially created GIS boundary datasets for England and Wales all of which we built from one dataset which stands at the heart of the GIS architecture:

Satchell, A.E.M., Kitson, P.M.K., Newton, G.H., Shaw-Taylor, L., and Wrigley E.A., 1851 England and Wales census parishes, townships and places (2016).

The Satchell et al dataset is a corrected and significantly enhanced version of Burton, N, Westwood J., and Carter P., GIS of the ancient parishes of England and Wales, 1500-1850. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive (May 2004), SN 4828, which is a GIS version of Kain, R.J.P., and Oliver, R.R., Historic parishes of England and Wales: An electronic map of boundaries before 1850 with a gazetteer and metadata. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive, May, 2001. SN 4348.

We are very grateful to the creators of the datasets at the Universities of Exeter and Portsmouth from which our boundary datasets were constructed.