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Parish-level occupational data 1851-1911

Parish-level occupational data 1851-1911

Thanks to the ESRC funded ICeM project led by Professor Kevin Schürer (University of Leicester) and Professor Eddy Higgs (University of Essex), it we have been able to build parish and registration sub-district level occupational datasets for 1851, 1871, 1891, 1901 and 1911: Higgs, Edward and Schürer, Kevin (University of Essex) (2014) The Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) UKDA, SN-7481

Our 1881 parish and registration sub-district data derive from an earlier project at the University of Essex led by Kevin Schürer and Matthew Woollard: Schurer, K., Woollard, M. (2000). 1881 Census for England and Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (Enhanced Version). [data collection]. Genealogical Society of Utah, Federation of Family History Societies, [original data producer(s)]. UK Data Service. SN: 4177,

We are very grateful to Schürer, Woollard and Higgs for the creation of these resources.