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Data access and collaborative possibilities

Data access and collaborative possibilities

The project, together with related projects funded by the ESRC and the Leverhulme Trust has created a large body of inter-related datasets. Those created by this project are described elsewhere on this website:

  • Occupational datasets created by the project
  • Occupational coding – the PST system
  • Population datasets created by the project
  • GIS boundary datasets created by the project
  • GIS transport infrastructure datasets created by the project
  • The parish code book

These datasets will be of use to scholars working on a wide range of projects in addition to our own and we are keen to encourage and facilitate others to use them. All of these datasets will be made available to the scholarly community via the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) at the UK Data Archive. However, some of them will be embargoed for a period to protect our own publication opportunities. In the first instance, potential users should check the availability of datasets from ESDS. If the dataset you are interested in is still embargoed or otherwise not available from ESDS we are willing, in principle, to make datasets available to others for agreed purposes. Examples of existing use of our datasets by third parties can be found elsewhere on this website.

The datasets all come with adequate documentation for those with the requisite technical knowledge. Sadly we do not have the resources to provide further assistance. However, we recognise that some scholars may wish to use these datasets, who either lack the requisite technical skills, or require further assistance for other reasons relating to the complexity of these resources. We are investigating mechanisms by which we might be able to fund such assistance and we would encourage registering expressions of interest in case such funding does become available (and registering an expression of interest might help us to secure finding in due course). In the meantime we may be able to help if you have funding available or if the query requires very little of our time. We are also open to offers of collaborative research projects where these have a clear return to us. But please bear in mind that we have our own pre-existing research priorities. In the first instance, for any enquiries, please contact the Cambridge Group's administrator.