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1851 England and Wales census parishes, townships and places

This GIS shapefile comprises 22,729 polygons and represents the boundaries and attributes of the parishes and places in the 1851 census for England and Wales. For each polygon its also gives the counties, hundreds and boroughs in 1831, counties in 1851 and registration sub-districts, districts and counties in 1851. For more details see the dataset documentation.

1801 to 1891 Census Report of England and Wales: Parish and Registration District Population

Microsoft Access 2000 database providing a continuous series of male, female and total population data for England and Wales at several spatial levels. The data are given in 1851-based registration districts for each decadal Census year from 1801 to 1851, and in Census places for each decadal Census year from 1801 to 1891. The database also contains the 1851 Census-based registration parish identifier(s) that have been matched to each place, and the place level population data has been rearranged into 12,641 quasi-parish level mappable units. This information was derived from corrected and improved versions of the 1801-51 Census Reports, and the published 1861-91 Census Reports. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Parish Township Place GIS. For more details see the dataset documentation.

Dynamic GIS of the navigable waterways of England and Wales 1600 to 1948

This dataset provides a year by year dynamic GIS of the changing extent of the navigable waterways of England and Wales 1600-1948. For more details see the dataset documentation.

Exposed coalfields of England and Wales c. 1830 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Candidate main roads of England and Wales c. 1680 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Turnpike roads of England and Wales 1667-1892 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Navigable waterways of England and Wales in 1680 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Navigable waterways of England and Wales in 1830 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Ports of England and Wales 1650-1911 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

England, Wales and Scotland Rail Lines 1807-1994 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

England, Wales and Scotland Railway Stations 1807-1994 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Candidate Towns of England and Wales, c.1563-1911 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Steam Engines of England 1706-1803 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation

Poor Law Union Coal Prices, 1842-3 GIS shapefile

For more details see the dataset documentation.

Other documentation will be added here shortly.