Population and occupational datasets created by the project
Most of the datasets listed below will be available from the Economic and Social Data Service at the UK Data Archive shortly. However, some of them may be embargoed for a period. The datasets all come with adequate documentation for those with the requisite technical knowledge. Sadly we do not have the resources to provide further assistance. However, we recognise that some scholars may wish to use these datasets, who either lack the requisite technical skills, or require further assistance for other reasons relating to the complexity of these resources. We are investigating mechanisms by which we might be able to fund such assistance and we would encourage registering expressions of interest in case such funding does become available (and registering an expression of interest might help us to secure finding in due course). In the meantime, we may be able to help if you have funding available or if the query requires very little of our time. In the first instance, please e-mail the Campop Administrator - see our contact details.
As a general rule, datasets with filenames specified are available for sharing with others, while datasets without file names are not currently available for sharing with others. As of August 2019, we no longer have funding to cover the costs of dealing with enquiries and distributing datasets. We are currently seeking a solution to this problem.
1. 1801 to 1891 Census Report of England and Wales: Parish and Registration District Population
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing a continuous series of male, female and total population data for England and Wales at several spatial levels. The data are given in 1851-based registration districts for each decadal Census year from 1801 to 1851, and in Census places for each decadal Census year from 1801 to 1891. The database also contains the 1851 Census-based registration parish identifier(s) that have been matched to each place, and the place level population data has been rearranged into 12,641 quasi-parish level mappable units. This information was derived from corrected and improved versions of the 1801-51 Census Reports, and the published 1861-91 Census Reports. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Parish Township Place GIS.
Filename: 1801to91CensusReportEngWalesParishRDPop.mdb
2. 1801 to 1851 Population Data for England and Wales
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing male, female, and total populations at each census date. At each census date the information is provided in two series, one using the 'ancient' administrative divisions (county, hundred, and parish), the other using 'modern' divisions (registration county, registration district, registration subdistrict, and parish). Each series is provided in two forms, one closely paralleling the census totals but correcting for arithmetic and printing errors, the other increasing the census totals to offset the effects of the under-registration infants, the treatment of men of militia camps (who were included in county totals but excluded from smaller units), and the absence of men in the army, navy, and merchant shipping. This information was derived from corrected and improved versions of the 1801-51 Census Reports.
Filename: Not yet available.
3. 1813-20 Parish Register Occupational Data for England and Wales
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data for each of the 11,364 abstractions of the occupations of the father at baptism of children, collected from almost the entirety of the extant parish registers in England and Wales that were maintained between 1813 and 1820. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme.
Filename: 1813-20PREngWalesOccs.mdb
4. 1817 Estimated Census of Adult Male Occupations for England and Wales in 1851 Registration Districts
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on the estimated numbers of occupations for men aged over 20 for England and Wales in 1817 for 623 registration districts (all bar the Scilly Isles) used by the 1851 Census of England and Wales. The database itself was manufactured from the 1813-20 parish register occupational data for England and Wales (database 3, above), and the 1801 to 1851 Population data for England and Wales (database 2, above). The actual process of construction is fully described in P. M. Kitson, L. Shaw-Taylor, E. A. Wrigley, R. S. Davies, G. Newton, and M. Satchell, 'The creation of a 'census' of adult male employment for England and Wales for 1817'. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Districts GIS.
Filename: 1817EstCensusEngWalesRDOccs.mdb
5. 1831 Census Report of England: County and Parish Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female types of employment in England in 1831 in 14,888 subhundredal, mainly parish level units, and at quasi-parish level in 13,762 units for mapping. This information was derived from the 1831 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped at county level using the Occupations Project 1831 England ancient counties GIS and at a quasi-parish level using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Parish Township Place GIS.
Filename: 1831CensusReportEngCountyParishOccs.mdb
6. 1841 Census Report of England, Wales and Scotland: County Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England, Wales and Scotland at county level in 1841, for those aged under and over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from corrected versions of 1841 occupational data prepared by H.R. Southall et al, which are based on the 1841 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1841 Britain Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1841CensusReportEngWalesScotCountyOccs.mdb
7. 1841 Census Report of England, Wales and Scotland: Town Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England, Wales and Scotland at town level for 236 towns in 1841, for those aged under and over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from corrected versions of 1841 occupational data prepared by H.R. Southall et al, which are based on the 1841 Census Report.
Filename: 1841CensusReportEngWalesScotTownOccs.mdb
8. 1851 Census Report of England and Wales: Town Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales at town level for 78 principal towns in 1851, for those aged under and over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1851 Census Report.
Filename: 1851CensusReportEngWalesTownOccs.mdb
9. 1851 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons at all ages in five-year bands at registration county level and at national level (England and Wales together) in 1851. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1851 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1851CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
10. 1851 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration District Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons aged over twenty years in all 624 registration districts in 1851. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1851 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Districts GIS.
Filename: 1851CensusReportEngWalesRDOccs.mdb
11. 1851 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for persons at all ages in five-year bands at county level and at national level in 1851. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1851 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Scotland Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1851CensusReportScotCountyNatOccs.mdb
12. 1851 Census Report of Wales: County Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Wales for persons over twenty years of age at the county level in 1851. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1851 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Wales Counties GIS.
Filename: 1851CensusReportWalesCountyOccs.mdb
13. 1861 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons at all ages in five and ten-year bands at the registration county level and at national level (England and Wales together) in 1861. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1861 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1861CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
14. 1861 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration District Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons aged over twenty years in all 635 registration districts in 1861. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1861 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Districts GIS.
Filename: 1861CensusReportEngWalesRDOccs.mdb
15. 1861 Census Report of England and Wales: Town Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales at town level for 78 principal towns in 1861, for those aged under and over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1861 Census Report.
Filename: 1861CensusReportEngWalesTownOccs.mdb
16. 1861 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for persons at all ages in five-year bands at county and national level in 1861. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1861 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Scotland Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1861CensusReportScotCountyNatOccs.mdb
17. 1861 Census Report of Scotland: Town Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for 23 town districts in 1861, for those aged under and over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1861 Census Report.
Filename: 1861CensusReportScotTownOccs.mdb
18. 1861 Census Report of Wales: County Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Wales for persons over twenty years of age at the county level in 1861. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1861 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Wales Counties GIS.
Filename: 1861CensusReportWalesCountyOccs.mdb
19. 1871 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons at all ages in five or ten-year bands at the registration county level and at national level (England and Wales together) in 1871. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1871 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1871CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
20. 1871 Census Report of England and Wales: Town Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England (including islands in the British seas) and Wales at town level for 84 principal towns in 1871, for those aged over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1871 Census Report.
Filename: 1871CensusReportEngWalesTownOccs.mdb
21. 1871 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for non-pauper persons at all ages in five or ten-year bands at the county level and at national level in 1871. The same information for paupers is present at county level but separate from the non-pauper information. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1871 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Scotland Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1871CensusReportScotCountyNatOccs.mdb
22. 1871 Census Report of Wales: County Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Wales at the county level in 1871, for those aged under and over twenty years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1871 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Wales Counties GIS.
Filename: 1871CensusReportWalesCountyOccs.mdb
23. 1881 Census Enumerators' Books for England and Wales: Parish Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales in 1881 for all persons (including the retired) in five-year age bands in all 15,132 registration parishes, and at quasi-parish level in 14,933 units for mapping. This information was derived from a machine-readable version of the 1881 Census Enumerators' Books dataset with occupational coding prepared by Kevin Schürer and Matthew Woollard. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. The dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Parish Township Place GIS.
Filename: 1881CEBEngWalesParishOccs.mdb
24. 1881 Census Enumerators' Books for England and Wales: Registration District Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales in 1881 for all persons (including the retired) in five-year age bands in 1851 (sic) registration districts. The 1881 Census Report does not contain registration district level occupational information. Therefore, this information was derived from a machine-readable version of the 1881 Census Enumerators' Books dataset with occupational coding prepared by Kevin Schürer and Matthew Woollard. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Districts GIS.
Filename: 1881CEBEngWalesRDOccs.mdb
25. 1881 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons over five years of age at registration county level, and at all ages in five, ten or twenty-year bands at national level (England and Wales together), in 1881. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1881 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1881CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
26. 1881 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for persons at all ages in five, ten, fifteen or twenty-year bands at county and national level in 1881. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1881 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Scotland Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1881CensusReportScotCountyNatOccs.mdb
27. 1881 Census Report of Scotland: Town Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for 42 parliamentary, municipal and police burghs in 1881, for all persons subdivided into seven age groups. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1881 Census Report.
Filename: 1881CensusReportScotTownOccs.mdb
28. 1881 Census Report of Wales: County Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Wales for persons over five years of age at county level in 1881, and also giving the number of all persons including those under five years. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1881 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Wales Counties GIS.
Filename: 1881CensusReportWalesCountyOccs.mdb
29. 1891 Census Report of England and Wales: Registration County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons aged ten years and upwards at registration county level and at national level (England and Wales together) in 1891. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1891 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1891CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
30. 1891 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Scotland for persons at all ages in five, ten, fifteen or twenty-year bands at county level and at national level in 1891. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1891 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Scotland Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1891CensusReportScotCountyNatOccs.mdb
31. 1891 Census Report of Wales: County Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in Wales for persons over ten years of age at the county level in 1891. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1891 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Wales Counties GIS.
Filename: 1891CensusReportWalesCountyOccs.mdb
32. 1901 Census Report of England and Wales: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons ten years and over at county level and at national level (England and Wales together) in 1901, including marital status for females, age breakdowns and manner of employment for the counties of Yorkshire (all three ridings together), London and Lancashire, and age breakdowns and manner of employment for special occupations only, in certain counties. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1901 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1901CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
33. 1901 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations and manner of employment in Scotland at county level and at national level, for persons over ten years in age groups in 1901. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This dataset was derived from the 1901 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 Scotland Ancient Counties GIS.
Filename: 1901CensusReportScotCountyNatOccs.mdb
34. 1911 Census Report of England and Wales: County and National Occupations
Microsoft Access 2000 database providing data on male and female occupations in England and Wales for persons ten years and over at county level and at national level (England and Wales together) in 1911, including marital status for females, and age breakdowns and manner of employment in the national tables only. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme. This information was derived from the 1911 Census Report. This dataset can be mapped using the Occupations Project 1851 England and Wales Registration Counties GIS.
Filename: 1911CensusReportEngWalesCountyNatOccs.mdb
35. 1911 Census Report of Scotland: County and National Occupations
Due to an administrative oversight this dataset is not yet available. Details will follow in the near future.
36. HISCO to PST Database Documentation
Microsoft Access 2000 database for translating a three number Hisco occupational code into a PST (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) occupational code equivalent.
Filename: HISCOtoPSTDBDocumentation.mdb
37. 1695-1799 Parish Register Occupational Data for England and Wales
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing data for each of the 2,229 abstractions of the occupations of the father at baptism of children, collected from the extant parish registers in England and Wales that were maintained between 1695 and 1799, excluding those in which occupations were recorded in less than 95 per cent of the baptisms. The occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme and locations are coded to the Cambridge Group's GIS.
38. 1580-1830 Testamentary Occupational Data for England and Wales
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing data for the occupations and gender of decedents, collected from indexes to probate documents in England and Wales from county record offices and other sources covering the years between 1580 and 1830. Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme and locations are coded to the Cambridge Group's GIS.
39. 1660 Poll Tax Occupational Data for Northwich Hundred in Cheshire
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing a transcription of the 1660 Poll Tax for Northwich Hundred in Cheshire. The survey was transcribed from a printed edition of the source: Northwich Hundred Poll Tax, 1660, and Hearth Tax, 1664, ed. G. O. Lawton (The Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1979). Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme and locations are coded to the Cambridge Group's GIS.
40. 1608 Muster List Occupational Data for Gloucestershire
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing a transcription of the 1608 muster list for the county of Gloucestershire. Muster rolls were drawn up to list all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 60, with the help of county and parish officials. This database is based on Men and Armour for Gloucestershire in 1608, ed. John Smith (Alan Sutton, 1980). Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme and locations are coded to the Cambridge Group's GIS.
41. 1522 Military Survey Occupational Data for Babergh Hundred
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing a transcription of the 1522 military survey for Babergh Hundred in Suffolk. The purpose of this survey was to indicate the national capacity to supply arms and armour in wartime, the provision of which was linked to personal wealth. Everyone who was listed in the survey was required to state the value of their goods, and where appropriate, the annual value of lands, benefice, or stipend. The survey was transcribed from a printed edition of the source: The military survey of 1522 for Babergh Hundred, ed. John Pound (Suffolk: Boydell, 1986). Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme.
42. 1522 Military Survey Occupational Data for Rutland
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing a transcription of the 1522 military survey for the county of Rutland. The purpose of this survey was to indicate the national capacity to supply arms and armour in wartime, the provision of which was linked to personal wealth. Everyone who was listed in the survey was required to state the value of their goods, and where appropriate, the annual value of lands, benefice, or stipend. The survey was transcribed from a printed edition of the source: Tudor Rutland: The County Community under Henry VIII: The Military Survey, 1522, and Lay Subsidy, 1524-5, ed. Julian Cornwall (Rutland Record Society, 1980). Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme.
43. 1522 Military Survey Occupational Data for Coventry
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing a transcription of the 1522 military survey for the City of Coventry. The purpose of this survey was to indicate the national capacity to supply arms and armour in wartime, the provision of which was linked to personal wealth. Everyone who was listed in the survey was required to state the value of their goods, and where appropriate, the annual value of lands, benefice, or stipend. The survey was transcribed from a printed edition of the source: M. H. M. Hulton, ed., Coventry and its People in the 1520's, Dugdale Society, volume 38 (1999). Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme.
44. 1522 Military Survey Occupational Data for Gloucestershire
Microsoft Access 2007 database providing a transcription of the 1522 military survey for the City of Coventry. The purpose of this survey was to indicate the national capacity to supply arms and armour in wartime, the provision of which was linked to personal wealth. Everyone who was listed in the survey was required to state the value of their goods, and where appropriate, the annual value of lands, benefice, or stipend. The survey was transcribed from a printed edition of the source: R.W. Hoyle, ed., The Military Survey of Gloucestershire, 1522 (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 1993). Occupations are coded to the Primary, Secondary Tertiary (PST) scheme.
45. Occupational Data from Savings Banks Registers
Excel spreadsheets providing a partial transcription of the Lloyds' Bank archive, the most complete early depositors' ledgers record name, address, and male and female occupation or status. The first volume in each series has been sampled, for: Beverley: East Riding Savings Bank, 1818-24 (550 records), Launceston, Cornwall, 1818-41 (100 records), Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1818-23 (500 records), South Shields & District Friendly Bank for Savings, 1817- (643 records), Ellesmere Savings Bank Ledger, 1818- (160 records).
46. Occupational Data from the Returns of Papists
Excel spreadsheet providing a partial transcription of the 1767 nationwide survey of Catholics, conducted by parish clerks at the order of Parliament. Local compliance with instructions varied but some clerks recorded occupations, as well as age and length of time resident. The following parishes are derived from the published versions in Worrall, ed., Returns of Papists 1767, vol. 1 (1980) and vol. 2 (1989), Catholic Record Society occasional publications: Bristol, Leigh, Lidiate, London, Maghull, Winchester, Winwick. The London returns (6970 individuals) have also been extracted from the originals now held in Lambeth Palace Library. This version is more detailed than the House of Lords copy that was used for the Catholic Record Society edition, and supersedes the published version. For 1698 Westminster only: 206 adults from the original in the London Metropolitan Archives, recording name, age, address and occupation.
47. Occupational Data from Parish Population Listings
Excel spreadsheet providing a transcription of local population listings, usually made for tax purposes but also including individual returns for the early nineteenth-century censuses, which include male and female occupations. There are some 15 listings in this category which remain to be made machine readable, but the following are now available (except where noted, all are derived from photocopies of the originals now in the library of the Cambridge Group. The following parishes are included: 1836 Chilvers Coton, Warks (518 householders); 1807 Bocking, Essex (553 householders); 1801 Smalley, Derbys (115 householders); 1801 Winwick, Lancs (537 individuals); 1801 Sturminster Newton, Dorset; 1801 Melbury Osmond, Dorset; 1795 Worcester St Andrew (411 householders); 1793 Bocking, Essex (634 householders); 1792 Barlborough, Derbys (142 householders); 1787 Westmorland Census (2375 individuals) from L. Ashcroft edn (Curwen Archive Texts, 1992); 1745 Denham, Bucks (166 householders); 1695 St Mary le Bow, London (672 adults); 1692-8 Bristol parishes (380 householders); 1635 Salisbury Survey of the Poor (228 individuals); 1597 Ipswich Census of the Poor (191 adults); 1570 Norwich Census of the Poor (822 household heads).
48. Occupational Data from Apprenticeship Registers / Indentures
Excel spreadsheet of registers' transcriptions, focussing in particular on the occupations of women listed. The following are included:
(a) 1700-1750 Leatherseller's Company Archives: Apprenticeship Register and Quarterage Books yield 139 women working in the Company in the period, with apprenticeship, name of master/mistress, father's occupation, address, and length of membership.
(b) 1687-1750 Christ's Hospital Admission-Discharge Registers, listing children (girls and boys) apprenticed, including age, name and parish of master/mistress, trade, and term of years. Sample years 1687-91 (705 children), 1695-1705 (758 children), 1721 (63), 1725-6 (225), 1748-51 (689), or 2440 in total, from microfilm of originals in London Guildhall Library.
(c) 1612-1830 Essex parish apprenticeships (800), listing child's name, age and parentage (both boys and girls), name, trade and parish of master/mistress, term of years, and payment, from originals in Essex Record Office.
49. ICeM Derived Access Datasets 1851, 1861, 1891, 1901 and 1911
These databases were derived from datasets created by the Integrated Micro-Census (ICeM) project at the Universities of Leicester and Essex led by Professor Kevin Schurer and Professor Eddy Higgs.[1] The ICeM dataset contain digitized versions of the individual–level data recorded in the Census Enumerators' Books. The datasets contain c.162 million records of each individual's age, sex, marital status, occupation, address and birthplace etc. But the data released by I-CeM project was in a text format without an adequate database structure. This diminishes the analytical value of the original I-CeM datasets. The derived Access databases have all the information that are available in the original I-CeM datasets and enrich the original datasets with a clear database structure. This makes the individual level I-CeM data more accessible and the analysis of these data easier and quicker. Furthermore, the data in the derived Access databases are linked to GIS boundary datasets created by members of the current research team on an earlier project. This enables the data to be mapped at the parish level, and linked with other spatial datasets created by the current research team for richer statistical analysis. The datasets have been further enhanced by Professor Schurer and by two Cambridge Group Research projects: an ESRC funded project led by Dr Alice Reid,An Atlas of Fertility Decline in England and Wales and another ESRC project led by Professor Bob Bennett, Drivers of entrepreneurship and small business.
50. Enhanced 1911 ICeM Database
This dataset was built upon the Cambridge Group/Schurer enhanced version (described above within dataset 49) of the digitization of 1911 Census Enumerators' Books released by the Integrated Micro-Census (ICeM) project led by Schurer and Higgs at the Universities of Leicester and Essex. In the ICeM 1911 dataset, a very considerable number of individuals were allocated to the wrong parishes. As a result, for example, among the total of 14,532 parishes in 1911, more than 6,600 parishes had a smaller population than reported in the published census tabulations, and the total deficiency was more than 900,000 individual records. At the same time, nearly 4,000 parishes had a larger population than in the published census tabulations, and the total surplus was just over one million individual records. The revised dataset contains a substantial correction of individual records' parish allocation. The correction re-allocated 656,890 individual records to the correct parishes. As a result, the population figures in 5,831 parishes have been altered. In the revised 1911 ICeM dataset, 4,865 parishes had a smaller population than the published total, and the total deficiency dropped to from over 900,000 to just over 350,000. The number of parishes, that had a larger population than the published figure, dropped from nearly 4,000 to just over 2,200. Though still not perfect, the revised 1911 ICeM database is significantly more accurate than the original version released by the ICeM project.
51. Parish-level Population Population Data 1801-1831
England and Wales in units that were standardized over time 1801-1831. This standardization resulted in the loss of some precision and a reduction in the number of units. This new dataset reverts to the full (but non-standardised) geography produced by the censuses of 1801-1831 (1801, N = 13,882; 1811, N = 13,882; 1821, N = 14,296; 1831, N – 14, 346). One reason for doing this was that it facilitates comparisons between the 1801 census and new estimates we planned to make of parish population totals c.1670.
52. Hearth Tax Datasets
These three datasets were created to compare with population totals derived from the Wake Census of the Lincoln diocese 1706-15 (Broad, 2013). The first dataset for Buckinghamshire contains counts of taxpayers and those exempt by certificate (with numbers of hearths per household), and paupers, for each reporting unit, extracted from Marshall, L.M. The Bedfordshire Hearth Tax Return for 1671 (1990 reprint). The second dataset for Buckinghamshire contains counts those exempt by certificate, and paupers where reported, for each reporting unit, extracted from exemption certificates for various years 1663-73 (TNA, E 179). The dataset for Leicestershire contains counts of taxpayers and those exempt by certificate (with numbers of hearths per household), and paupers where reported, for each reporting unit, extracting from Leicestershire Hearth Tax Return for 1670 (TNA, E 179).
53. Parish-level occupational data 2011
This dataset was created from the 2011 census data available by local output areas and was redistricted in nineteenth century parishes. This allows us to map and to compare occupational structure in 2011 with our earlier data on a consistent spatial basis. The dataset distinguishes males and females and is coded to PST.
[1] See: https://www.essex.ac.uk/history/research/icem/default.htm