Data desiderata
Our top priorities for further data collection are described elsewhere and relate to male occupations 1413-1800, gendered patterns of work 1500-1850 and to population geography 1377-c.1680. However, we have created datasets relating to many other socio-economic variables within a harmonised GIS framework which means that all the variables can be related to each other at a variety of spatial scales. Subject to funding there are many other datasets we would like to add to this framework either by geo-coding existing datasets, many at UKDA or by digitising new datasets. This forms part of a longer-term plan to create a research data infrastructure for general use for pre-modern British economic and social history. Where possible we would alos like to extend these datasets down to the present so as to maximise their re-use potential.
Below we list a sample of new datasets we would like to create and existing datasets we would like to geo-code if we can secure funding:
- The map above, which shows the share of land which was arable c.1840, is a good example of an existing dataset available from UKDA, whose value would be greatly increased by matching to our GIS framework: Kain, R.J.P., Atlas of Agriculture in England and Wales, c.1840 [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], 1981. SN: 1659, The dataset covers c.5,000 parishes. contains a variety of information including area of arable, pasture, woodland, common, wheat, barley, fallow etc, yields of wheat, barley, oats, pulse crops, turnips etc. Kain's listing is also an index of 182 other subjects mentioned less systematically in the tithe files such as soil quality, transport/ market access, enclosure, transport, crops and rotations etc. Kain, R.J.P., An Atlas and Index of the tithe files of mid-nineteenth-century England and Wales (Cambridge, 1986) is based on these data. Currently our geo-coding is incomplete.
- As a result of the ICeM project led by Kevin Schurer and Eddy Higgs we now have parish level datasets of male and female occupations (and much else) for the whole of England and Wales for 1851, 1861, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911 deriving from the indiviudal level data recorded in census enumerators books. High on our list of desiderata is the construction of similar datasets for Scotland and extneding the coverage to include 1841 and 1871. In the future when the 1921 data become available under the 100 year rule, it would also be attractive to add 1921. Note that we also have occupational data derived from the 2011 census organised by C19 parishes.
- We currently have a dataset of parish populations from 1801-1911 for England and Wales. In collaboration with Professor Ian Gregory we would like to extend this dataset down to 2011.
- We have a GIS dataset of C18th steam engines deriving from Kanfesky's work. In collaboration with Dr Sean Bottomley we would like to create a GIS dataset recording the locations of the much larger numbers of stationary steam engines in the C19th.
- In collaboration with Dr Judy Stephenson we would like to create regional wage series for both males and females to complement our occupational datasets.
- We have a GIS dataset of first class roads for 1911 but do not have a datasets covering the second and third class roads at this date. We have undertaken a trail mapping for Essex and would ultimately like to create a comprehensive GIS dataset of the whole road network at this date to complement or rail, inland waterway and coastal navigation datasets.
- Bartholomew's Half Inch map series (published 1903-1906). This series is basically a commercial derivative of the OS but included extra information on roads derived from the Cycle Touring Club not in the OS. Bartholomew generally had a very good reputation for the quality of their maps. Unique to the Bartholomew series include symbols for particularly steep hills and line work that indicates roads of different widths and also roads that are not suitable for cyclists.
We have a GIS dataset of blast furnaces in England and Wales for 1911. This dataset is derived from Philip Riden and John G. Owen's book British Blast Furnace Statistics, 1790-1980. The location of blast furnace is based on the Ordnance Survey Grid Reference reported in the book. For each work, it also reports the company name, the number of blast furnaces built, and the number of blast furnaces in blast. In the future, we would like to extend the current digitization to ceate a time dynamic GIS dataset from 1660 onwards obtaining additional data fPhilip Riden's A Gazeteer of BlastCharcoal-fired Furnaces in Great Britain in use since 1660.
We have a GIS dataset of London underground for 1911 and 1921. It covers all the underground lines and underground stations in London for these two time slices. This dataset is derived from Michael H. Cobb's The Railways of Great Britain: A Historical Atlas. It is fully integrated with the GIS dataset of railway network, derived from the same source. In the future, we would like to extend the time coverage of our underground GIS from its first opening date of 1863 to present date.
We already have a GIS dataset of real property values in 1815 for every parish/township in England and Wales. We would like to extend this to cover other (later) years.
More information will be added here shortly.