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Publications under review or in progress

Publications under review or in progress

The following are currently under review or in progress:

  • Bogart, D., Dunn, O., Alvarez, E., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'Speedier Delivery: Coastal Shipping Times and Speeds During the Age of Sail' [under review] PDF
  • Bogart, D., You, X., Alvarez, E., Satchell, M., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'Railways, Endowments, and Population Change in 19th century England and Wales' [under review] PDF
  • Buyst, E., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'An Anglo-Belgian Comparison of Occupational Structures during Industrialization' [in progress]
  • Davenport, R. J., Satchell, M., Dunn, O., Newton, G. H., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'New Methodologies for the Estimation of Urbanisation for England c.1670 and c.1761' [in progress] PDF
  • Erickson, A. L., '"The proliferation of the pin": The Sexual Division of Labour in Pin-making' [in progress]
  • Erickson, A. L., and Stephenson, J., 'Female Contractors in 18th-century London' [in progress]
  • Field, J., 'The Economic Development of Early Modern Westminster' [in progress]
  • Field, J., 'The Male Occupational Structure of Seventeenth-Century London' [in progress]
  • Field, J., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'The male Occupational Structure of London 1700–1881: A Complex Picture of London's Development' [in progress] PDF
  • Saito, O., and Shaw-Taylor, L., eds., Occupational Structure and Industrialization in Comparative Perspective [in progress]
  • Saito, O., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'The Sectoral Allocation of Male Labourers: A Solution to the Problem for England and Wales 1700–1911' [in progress]
  • Shaw-Taylor, L., Sudgen, K., and You, X., 'The Female Labour Force in England and Wales c.1710–1871' [in progress]
  • Smith, R. M., Shaw-Taylor, L., and Wrigley, E. A., 'How Agricultural Was the English Population in 1381?' [in progress]
  • Travieso, E., 'Environment and Rural Slavery in the River Plate Frontier, c.1780–1810' [under review]
  • You, X., 'Family, Kinship and Domestic Work: An Investigation through Female Kin Servants' [in progress]
  • You, X., Bogart, D., Alvarez, E., Satchell, M., Dunn, O., and Shaw-Taylor, L., 'Steam and Growth: Market Access and Urban Population Change in 19th-century England and Wales' [in progress]
  • Zucca Micheletto, B., 'Working in and for the Charity Institutions: Patterns of Employment and Actors in Preindustrial Piedmont (17th-19th Centuries)' [under review]
  • Zucca Micheletto, B., 'Neither Servants nor Unskilled Labour Force: Migrant Women in Preindustrial Piedmont' [under review]