Graduate students
Ph.D. students
Ms Sophie McGeevor
Sophie McGeevor is doing a Ph.D. on women's unpaid work in the mid-nineteenth century, supervised by Amy Erickson and Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Ms Joanne Wallace
Joanne Wallace is doing a Ph.D. on rural depopulation and migration in the nineteenth century, supervised by Joe Day and Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Mr Cheng Yang
Cheng Yang is doing a Ph.D. on the occupational structure of China supervised by Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Professor Hans Van der Ven and Sir Tony Wrigley
Ms Ying Dai
Ying Dai is doing a Ph.D. on the occupational structure of the lower Yangze region of China, supervised by Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Mr Alexander Wakelam
Alex Wakelam wrote his M.Phil on women in the seventeenth-century Merchant Taylors' Company of York, and is now studying imprisonment for debt in London in the long eighteenth century, including the occupations of those imprisoned and the function of imprisonment in urban trade, supervised by Amy Erickson
Masters Students
Mr Andreas Doukakis
Andreas Doukakis is doing the masters in local history working on the occupational structure of Devon, supervised by Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Mr Masa Masayuki
Masa Masayuki is doing the masters in local history working on the occupational structure of the Glamorgan coal-field, supervised by Dr Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Ms Auriane Terki-Mignot
Auriane Terki-Mignot did her BA dissertation on female employment in Westmorland and is now doing the M.Phil in Economic history working on female employment during industrialisation in France, supervised by Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Mr James Wells
James Well did his BA dissertation on the occupational structure of Kent. He is now taking the M.Phil in Economic and Social History, working on the occupational structure of London, supervised by Leigh Shw-Taylor