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Publications and Presentations

Publications and Presentations


  • Alice Reid, Eilidh Garrett, Chris Dibben & Lee Williamson (2015). ''A confession of ignorance': deaths from old age and deciphering cause-of-death statistics in Scotland, 1855-1949', The History of the Family 20: 320-344.

  • Alice Reid & Eilidh Garrett (2012), 'Doctors and the causes of neonatal death in nineteenth century Scotland', Annales de Demographie Historique 2012(1):149-179.


  • Alice Reid, 'Doctors, deaths and diagnoses: the variable registration of deaths in nineteenth century Skye and Kilmarnock', paper presented to the British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, St Andrews, September 2007.
  • Eilidh Garrett & Alice Reid, 'Doctors, dying and certifying: an examination of medical certification of death in nineteenth century Scotland', paper presented at the Wellcome Centre for the History of Medicine seminar series, Glasgow University, January 2008.
  • Eilidh Garrett, 'The timing of death in the first month of life – a comparative study of rural communities in nineteenth century Scotland', paper presented at the European Social Science & History Conference, Lisbon, February 2008.
  • Alice Reid, 'From debility to atelectasis: doctors and causes of neonatal death in Nineteenth Century Scotland', paper presented at the European Social Science & History Conference, Lisbon, February 2008.
  • Eilidh Garrett, 'Infant mortality in town and country: a Scottish comparison, 1861-1901', seminar presented at the seminar series for the Master of Sociology Population and Society from Complutense University & postgraduate program at the Spanish Research Council, Madrid, February 2008.
  • Alice Reid, 'Doctors and the certification of death in nineteenth century Scotland', seminar presented at the seminar series for the Master of Sociology Population and Society from Complutense University & postgraduate program at the Spanish Research Council, Madrid, February 2008.
  • Eilidh Garrett & Alice Reid, 'The timing of death in the first month of life in Nineteenth Century Scotland', paper presented at workshop: Fetal and Neonatal Mortality: Historical Perspectives on the Borderline between Life and Death. Madrid, June 2008.
  • Eilidh Garrett & Alice Reid, '"Run and fetch the Doctor!": access to medical personnel amongst those in their last illness in 4 nineteenth century Scottish communities', paper presented at the Historical GIS Conference, Essex, August 2008, and at the British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, Manchester University, September 2008.
  • Alice Reid & Eilidh Garrett, 'Doctors, Patients and Hospitals in Nineteenth Century Scotland', paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, Manchester University, September 2008.
  • Alice Reid, 'Doctors and the certification of maternal mortality in late nineteenth century Scotland', paper presented at the Perspectives on Modern Maternal Health Workshop, Glasgow, May 2010 and at the British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, Exeter, September 2010.
  • Alice Reid and Eilidh Garrett, 'Doctors and the certification of death in nineteenth century Scotland: an urban-rural comparison', paper presented at the Anglo-American Conference 2011: Health in History, London, June 2011.