Short-term and spatial variations in infectious disease mortality in England 1600-1837
Publications and outputs
- Peter Kitson: 'Industrialisation and the changing mortality environment in an English community during the industrial revolution', in M. K. Zuckerman (ed.), Are modern environments bad for human health? Revisiting the Second Epidemiological Transition (forthcoming, 2013).
- Gill Newton and Richard Smith: 'Convergence or divergence? Mortality in London, its suburbs and its hinterland between 1550 and 1700', Annales de démographie historique (forthcoming, 2014)
- Gill Newton: 'The age structure and meaning of causes of death in English urban areas between 1583 and 1812', unpublished working paper (PDF)
Datasets available on application from the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure (but note that dataset 3 is embargoed at present). These datasets will be downloadable through the UK Data Archive in due course.
- Parish monthly/annual burial counts
(total: 4,082,044 burials; list of parishes) - Parish monthly/annual burial with adults/children counted separately
(total:333,402 burials) - Burials with causes of death and/or reported ages
(total: 178,063 parish burials and 2,231,234 reported in London Bills of Mortality) - Parish GIS shapefiles
(total: 621 parish points/polygons)