Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM)
Unlocking our past
The Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) is a collection of individual-level census data for Great Britain covering the period 1851 to 1921. The underlying raw census data have been enhanced through the creation of multiple coded and standardised derived variables which have been specially designed to facilitate comparative analyses over time.
© British Library Board P.P.5270
By making available to academic researchers detailed information about everyone resident in the country, collected at decennial censuses from 1851 to 1921, the I-CeM data collection – one of the largest of its kind in the world – has transformed the landscape for research work in the economic, social, and demographic history of this country during a period of profound change in the wake of the industrial revolution.
This website provides a guide to the I-CeM data, including an introduction to best practices for use, variable definitions and coverage, a history of British census taking, and a database of publications and projects based on I-CeM.
Students and researchers at academic institutions can download anonymised I-CeM data from the UK Data Service. A full version of the data including names and addresses is only available via secure data access arrangements.
Header image: RG 15/07423 f. 143 © The National Archives.