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The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

Department of Geography and Faculty of History


European Network for the Comparative History of Population Geography and Occupational Structure - ENCHPOPGOS 2017

European Network for the Comparative History of Population Geography and Occupational Structure - ENCHPOPGOS 2017

Inaugural Meeting - to be held on 25th to 27th September, at Robinson College, Cambridge

We would like to acknowledge generous support for the meeting from the Economic History Society, the British Academy and the Ellen MacArthur Trust Cambridge.

We would also like to acknowledge generous support for the Occupational Structure of Britain project from the Economic and Social Research Council; the Leverhulme Trust; the British Academy; the Isaac Newton Trust (Cambridge)

The Occupational Structure of Britain c.1379-1911 research programme, directed by Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Tony Wrigley and Amy Erickson, has two long term goals: (i) to reconstruct, quantitatively, in as much detail as the surviving source material (and the funders) will allow, the occupational structure of the British economy from the late medieval period to the outbreak of the First World War (ii) to facilitate and promote similar work by scholars working on other countries and to undertake comparative work with them.

Male labour force shares England and Wales 1381-1911

This meeting, which will take place as the British project approaches its fifteenth birthday (and the eighteenth anniversary of conception), is focussed on the second goal in a pan-European framework. The meeting will be the inaugural meeting of ENCHPOPGOS, the European Network for the Comparative History of Population Geography and Occupational Structure, and brings together scholars from all over Europe who are or plan to work on similar projects and are committed to working in a commensurable and common framework over the period 1500-1914 to create datasets not merely of national occupational structures but scalable datasets at the local and regional levels. Scholars working on the following countries have confirmed their attendance: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, England and Wales, France, Ireland, Italy, the Ottoman Territories (including S.E. Europe), Poland, Scotland, Spain and Sweden. We will also be inviting colleagues from the Netherlands. We currently lack participants from Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland Germany, Norway, Portugal and most of south-eastern Europe but hope to rectify these omissions in due course.


The final programme is available.

Contact details

If you are interested in attending the meeting, or in ENCHPOPGOS more generally, please contact Leigh Shaw-Taylor or Sophy Arulanantham.