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Mapping the population geography of England and Wales 1801-1891

Mapping the population geography of England and Wales 1801-1891

We are now able to map the population geography of England and Wales at a variety of spatial scales (quasi-parish, registration sub-district, registration district and registration county) from 1801-1891. We have put a few example maps on line below and hope to add more soon.

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Population density maps: England and Wales

1. Population densities of quasi-parishes in 1801 [Small-size map] [Full-size map]

2. Population densities of quasi-parishes in 1851 [Small-size map] [Full-size map]

3. Population densities of quasi-parishes in 1891 [Small-size map] [Full-size map]

Note the units mapped in the three maps above are the smallest units for which it is possible to map population in a consistent set of units over the period 1801-1891. The datasets were reproduced by E.A. Wrigley and represent an extension of the work described in E.A. Wrigley, The early English censuses (forthcoming).

Miscellaneous maps: England and Wales

1. Peak population of registration districts 1801-1891 [Small-size map] [Full-size map]

This map shows the year with the highest population level between 1801-1891 for each 1851 registration district