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Data sets

Data sets

This project aims to link civil registers and census material for the second half of the nineteenth century to produce longitudinal data sets, rich in spatial and social information from both sources. The stock, or snapshot, data from censuses include information on household size and structure, housing, occupation, and place of birth (yielding life-time migration), while the flow data on births, deaths and marriages provide information pertaining to the timing and dynamics of family formation and dissolution through death.

Microfilms of the decennial censuses for the years 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901 are currently available. A machine-readable version of the 1881 census was already available, but the others have been transcribed onto a computer database. Special permission was granted by the General Register Office, Edinburgh, for access to the civil registers of births, marriages and deaths, and the records for the relevant places were also transcribed onto a computer database by a project worker in Edinburgh.

Once the five census databases and the births, deaths and marriages are available for each place, individuals in each source can be linked together using a 'sets of related individuals approach' in a relational data-base system with specially designed computer algorithms.

Under the terms of the agreement with the General Register Office for Scotland, the completed data sets will be returned to them, and transcriptions of the census material annotated to include the year of birth, death or marriage of an individual (but no other details of these events) will be deposited at the ESRC data archive in Essex.

Numbers of records for Skye, Kilmarnock, Torthorwald and Rothiemay

  Skye Kilmarnock Torthorwald Rothiemay
Census 1861 19,616 23,556 1,300 1,400
Events 1861-71 8,933 17,532 720 830
Census 1871 18,107 24,072 1,100 1,350
Events 1871-81 8,919 18,018 650 800
Census 1881 17,686 26,122 1,000 1,320
Events 1881-91 7,782 16,714 590 790
Census 1891 16,478 27,968 920 1,310
Events 1891-1901 6,785 17,740 550 780
Census 1901 14,500 33,142 900 1,300