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Publications on women's work

Publications on women's work



  • Erickson, A.L., ''Esther Sleepe, fanmaker, and her family', Special issue on the Burney Family, Eighteenth-Century Life (Spring 2018)


In preparation

  • Erickson, A.L. and Stephenson, J.Z., 'Eighteenth century businesswomen: three case studies', for submission to Business History Review.

  • Erickson, A.L., 'Marital status and economic activity: interpreting spinsters, wives, and widows in pre-census population listings', for submission to Continuity & Change, and currently a working paper.

  • Erickson, A.L. and Field, J., 'The female labour market in London in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries -- revisited', for submission to The Economic History Review.

Unpublished preliminary papers

Preliminary papers on women's work are available.

A full list of preliminary papers produced by the Occupational Structure programme is also available.

Photo credit: Johnston Collection, Wick Society,